Chapter 1

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Katherine POV:

It is cold and to make matters worst its raining.My dull as dishwater doppleganger shoved the cure down my throat and then fed me to the crazy immortal Silas.Yet I am the evil one.At least I survived being drained like a human juice box.But now I have to figure out what to do with this annoying humanity I seem to be forcefully given.And get out of this stupid little town.The only enjoyment I get is knowing that precious little Elena gave me the one chance of having that human life she so greatly desires.

Katherine is brought out of her inner thoughts by the sign saying that she is exiting Mystic Falls.The Rain seems to be pouring harshly matching the anger of the doppleganger. She quickly notices that a black car seems to be following her.As if her day could get any worse.She is going to have to run in heels in the rain.Probably catch a cold and die of a fever before she could get to any witch that owes her a favor.Anyway she has to get out of the view of this car and the woods of the town are her best bet.

There goes another pair of perfectly nice footwear down the drain as she steps on the muddy ground of the Mystic Falls forest.Her human hearing can not help her figure out if she is alone.So she needs to get into a house and get her hands on a weapon to bring down what ever idiot wants to fulfill their revenge fantasy now that she is vulnerable.She will be damned if her little eniemies think she is actually killable because she's human.If the psychotic hybrid original  didn't get to bring her down no one will.She sees a little home near the outskirts of the woods and makes a run for it and just as she reaches the door.She is faced with the face that followed her,haunted her,chased her for centuries.Wearing the same smirk he did in 1492.

"Klaus" she mutters 

"Hello love, Did you miss me?"He says lowly as he tucks a piece of wet hair behind her ear.

She stands frozen she got ahead of herself the game was far from over.

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