Chapter 2

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Katherine POV:

I find myself in the passenger seat of the very car I was avoiding. With what some will call the devil himself at the wheel. I watched as the rain fell from the car window and the scenery outside changed. Trying to figure out where the hell I was being taken to. All I wanted was to be anywhere else preferably with some alcohol to drown my sorrows. How did I even get into this position in the first place.

"Can you stop with the sulking love. You should really be more grateful. It seemed like it was about to become a very dreadful lightning storm out there and you already look worse for wear."

"Sorry, I don't make small talk with my abductors. Especially if they are criticizing my appearance."

"Well you do look like hell"

"Way to make a girl feel special"

"You and I both know you are no girl Katerina" he mutters looking straight at the road ahead.

"What were you even doing in Mystic Falls? Aren't you busy trying to reclaim your kingdom? I thought the letter I left you would at least send you on some world domination kick?" I say mockingly looking down at my nails that are in serious need of a manicure. Curious as to why he isn't in New Orleans plotting against all that wish him death.

"Isn't it obvious? It all worked out well for me in the end. I still have a human doppelganger for all my army making needs. You Katerina are going to help me. With what did you call it oh yes reclaiming of my kingdom." He says with a glint in his eyes that can only elude to all the diabolical plans running through his overly twisted mind. A mind that if I try too hard to wrap my head around is all too similar to my own.

"So when did you find out about my newly returned humanity? " I ask

" I received an interesting call from the eldest Salvatore.Something along the lines of you getting in a little altercation with Miss Gilbert and once again becoming human. So I had to see it for myself the great Katherine Pierce a weak human. It is really true."

"Yes, humanity is bitch.And now you want to make me your human blood bag to really sweeten this human life I have." I say sarcastically. Crossing my arms and trying to deny that It is nice and warm in this car. If Klaus wants my blood I need to get something out of this as well. At least buy me some time until I figure out how to become a vampire again. My guess is he isn't going to let history repeat itself and let me try and turn myself. " So you're taking me to New Orleans."

"Look who is finally understanding the way things are going to go."

"Well, last time I checked I am all so very vulnerable and now of value to you so how about we stop somewhere I can get clothes that aren't wet before I catch something that leads me to die before you can sire any precious hybrids"

"You think you are in the position to make demands."

"Its not a demand. Its a suggestion. I know your 1000 year old mind may not comprehend but humans need much more to survive. I may not be a girl but I am a lady I need things." My stomach starts to grumble " Like food and nice clothes."

Klaus POV:

How did I get myself in this position? Katerina is now looking at a plate of chocolate chip pancakes like they are the answer to all of her problems. I am drinking mediocre coffee in a diner in some small town in Virginia. I should have just sent some compelled mindless vampires to come and bring her to me. But if you want something done well you have to do it yourself. Especially when the person you would have asked them to retrieve is Katerina Petrova.

The waiter comes to our booth the elderly woman asks " What else would the lovely couple want? Maybe more coffee or an extra side of bacon?" I hear Katerina make a noise at the notion of us being a couple. Then she replies " I would like a glass of orange juice, toast, more bacon, and would you know the location to the closest luxury designer stores?"

"I will get you your food. But I am afraid that I am not the best person to answer the last part." after that the waiter walks away.

"Luxury designers? And did you have to order more food? I do not have this free time to be your personal babysitter."

"Last time I checked you took me. I am not cheap, I like luxury and you are immortal you do have all the time in the world."

"Well then hurry up with your eating if you want to go to any acceptable stores and not end up wearing a potato sack because patience is not one of my virtues."

We finally exit the diner. I am pleasantly surprised by the zero attempts to make a run for freedom. But I presume she knows better than to anger me with such actions.

After a short drive, we arrive at the shopping center. I give her my credit card and see as she runs along to the shoe section. A devious little smile spreads across her face similar to that she would have in 1492 when she would finally talk me into playing her little games.

As I sit on a comfortable chair in the store. I hear her whisper to the heels " let the fun begin."

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