just osasuna things

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"and Samu was all like I'm openin' a restaurant, and I'm just standin' there like WHO WANTS TO OPEN A RESTAURANT WHEN YOU COULD BE A FAMOUS VOLLEYBALL PLAYER."

it was nine in the morning, and Atsumu was lying on your floor ranting about something, which was pretty normal, but you were honestly confused because you just woke up.

"Tsumu, what the hell are you talking about?" you groaned as you stretch your arms and Atsumu sat up so fast, looking offended as he clutched his heart and fell back down like he just died a little inside.


"I literally just woke up. anyways what's the tea?"

"BUT YOU WERE LITERALLY SAYING YES, AND YOU'RE SO BAD LIKE YOU HAD TO BE AWAKE! unless you were, ya know" he wiggled his eyebrows as you rolled your eyes.

"how about we forget I said that, and I pretend I heard your rant? deal?" you got up from bed and walked out of your room with Atsumu following you, still yelling at you.

"so anyways! what was yer dream about?" he asked, sitting down on the stool in the kitchen smirking at you.

"quit asking," you replied, grabbing a bowl and a spoon.

"no, seriously, what was it?! please don't tell me you were having one of THOSE dreams," he watched as you turned around, giving him a disgusted look.

"you are so gross, Miya Atsumu" you turn back around to grab some cereal from the top shelf, but you struggled a bit since it was way in the back, so you resorted to stepping on your tippy-toes, jumping a bit to grab it because you didn't want to ask for help.

"please, ya sound like OmiOmi right now" he got up and reached over you to grab the cereal but lifted it over his head so you couldn't grab it "oh, you can have the cereal when ya tell me 'bout yer dream."

"fine, you wanna know so badly!" you throw up your arms, already done with Atsumu's bs. "I had a dream about your brother!" you grabbed the cereal as he gagged and covered up his mouth about to hurl even though you both knew he wasn't going to, and he was just being dramatic.

"I was just kidding, dumbass." you chuckle at his behavior, reaching into the fridge and grabbing some milk "it was about that Resident Evil lady that I saw last night on Kenma's live stream yesterday. I had a dream I was playing the game, and well, she's hot and a baddie, so I'm not surprised she was in my dreams."

"wait, yer a lesbian? I thought ya were American?" he said.

"you know what? stop talking, Tsumu you're making me lose more brain cells." you hold up your hand, directing him to shut it as you grab your bowl of cereal and take it to the living room and decide to eat it on the couch because you couldn't be in the kitchen with Atsumu any longer.

Atsumu sat in the kitchen, resting his arm on the counter, watching you eat cereal as you ignored his gaze because you just weren't having it. you sat there considering asking Suna if he wanted to hang out all day instead of at night for once since it was your guy's day to hang out, and you needed some fresh air.

and after a couple of minutes, Atsumu came and fell on the couch right beside you.

"you are so lucky I just finished my cereal because if you made me spill it, I would punch you" you place your bowl on the coffee table and lay back into the couch, sighing from everything that happened today and trying to relax, but that didn't last long as Hinata entered the living room. you tried to ignore the sadness that was beginning to bubble inside you.

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