Chapter 3, Mysteries In The Attic

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Lewis's POV.
It was dark, it was hot and humid. As I lay on the hard wood floor of the attic. I felt weak. I could barely move. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I didn't know what to do. I had to find a place to hide. But I could barely move.

The footsteps were getting closer. I knew they were walking towards me.

"Well well well, look who's still alive!" The guy laughed.

"Wh.... What's happening?......" I trembled. He chuckled.

"If you must know, you're little friends are here.... Maybe they surrender? Maybe they are going to fight?...."

"Wh.... What's gonna...... Happen to them?......." I stuttered. I felt so weak.

"Oh, I'm afraid they won't make it to see tomorrow. Not if I can't do anything about it!" The man laughed.

"I'll save them...... You'll see!" It hurt my throat to speak.

"Oh, I don't know about that, Capaldi!" He said. "You'll never win! Hahaha!" With that he ran out of the attic.

I felt helpless. No one was coming. I knew that. There was nothing I could do....

I just hope Dean will keep his promise..............

Dean's POV.
We snuck around the back, we split up into groups. I was with Post, Megan, and Haleigh. James, Billie, Brittany, and Niall were all in one group. We will keep in touch with a couple walkie-talkies that we found.

"Here's a map of the building, and a map of the vents. Be careful. You guys search for medical supplies. Our group will look for ways to kill off the captain. Go guys!" Haleigh handed them a map, we headed off our way.

We walked around for a bit. I saw a wall of portraits. Someone on the wall looked familiar. It was Haleigh. I knew so because she said she once worked here.

"Dean, come on. We gotta go." Megan said, I caught up with the others and we were off.

Suddenly, I heard banging noises coming from the attic.... Maybe someone was up there, trapped. I couldn't leave them up there.

"Guys, I think someone is trying to call for help! We have to go up there." I spoke. Haleigh looked at me, then she focused her ears on the noise. It was getting fainter and quieter. There was totally someone up there.

"Megan, Post. Stay down hear, fight off anyone who comes and tries to find us." Haleigh said. Me and her climbed up the stairs to the attic. Haleigh had claimed up first, and from the looks of it, there was someone up there, she found something...

"Dean! Come here....... It's..... It's Lewis Capaldi!" She trembled, she sounded like she was crying. I immediately rushed to the top, there he was. He was alive!... But barely!

"We need the medical supplies! We need to contact the other group!" Haleigh called out. I sat down next to Lewis. He opened his eyes.

"Dean........ What's going on?......" He trembled.

"Oh, Lewis! It's gonna be alright! We're getting a med kit now. You'll be fine." I said. He looked up at me. I knew it was the right thing to look after him.

Brittany's POV.
Me, James, Niall, and Billie were on our way to look for med kits, when James, the one with the walkie-talkie, got an incoming message.

"Guys, get the medical supplies and fast! There's something that you need to see! But we need the medical supplies first." She said.

"We already have the supplies and will be heading your way." James replied. We left for their location. Once we got there, Haleigh, Megan, and Post were there, where was Dean?

"Where's Dean?" Niall asked.

"He's up in the attic.... You need to get up there. All of us need to get up there!" Haleigh exclaimed. We climbed the latter to the attic, and what I saw next was shocking.

It was Lewis! He was alive!

"Lewis! It's okay! I'm here!" I cried while running to him. Dean was sitting there comforting him too.

Haleigh had arrived with the medical supplies. We needed instant healing. We found it. Haleigh placed the pellets on Lewis's chest. After awhile he started to stir! He was waking up! He opened his eyes!

"What? What's going on?....." He asked. Then he looked at me. I was crying tears of joy!

"Oh Lewis! I thought I lost you!" I sobbed, he sat up and hugged me. Dean looked at us and smiled.

"I told you I was going to keep my promise." Dean laughed.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!" Called a voice from behind us! Oh no! They found us!

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