Chapter 6, Evacuate

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Megan's POV.
"WHY DID SHE LEAVE US????" James cried as he slammed his hand against the wall. Brittany and Lewis holding onto each other, Niall not too far away from them, Billie, questioning her sanity. As for me and Post? We didn't want to believe she just bailed. I couldn't help but think to myself...

She must have had a reason. She wouldn't leave us all behind..... Would she?

I shivered at the thought. She's my best friend. There has to be some kind of reason.

Suddenly, I heard alarms. Lewis, Brittany, Niall, and James seemed to recognize the alarm.

"Did Dean escape?" Niall asked. Everyone looked shocked. "But how??"

Wait ... It had to be Haleigh! She set Dean free..... And is probably coming to let us go too!

That's when I heard a vent door opens. Haleigh's head popped down from the vent door.

"Come on guys! Out this way!" She rushed.

"Why'd you leave us?" James asked, somewhat defensive.

"I left so I could free all of you, genius!" She giggled.

"Where's Dean?" I asked.

"He ran off another way so we would be harder to catch, don't worry. He's okay, we have contact through the walkie talkies that I stole from a guard after I knocked him out." Haleigh explained. I was so happy she's okay and didn't leave us

"Now hurry up! We have to leave before the guards find us!" Haleigh said as she helped each of us through the vent. It was a tight squeeze, but we had to crawl through to escape....

Dean's POV.
I was running for my life. I had to find a way out. Haleigh had the others and was going to free them. I just hope that we all can escape.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" I heard the captain shout behind me, I kept running, but he was catching up! I had to act fast. I made a sharp turn by a corner, making him run into the wall. What I didn't notice was that there was a button on the wall covered by glass.

I would later realize what it does...

The captain rammed straight into the glass, breaking it. A shard of the glass flew and hit the button. I didn't notice this until a siren went off.

"Building will self destruct in ten minutes. Evacuate immediately!"

"You little!...." He called out and ran after me. I ran straight for the door, but it was locked. I had to find another exit while trying to run from the captain.

I just hope Haleigh can free the others in time.

Haleigh's POV.
As we all were up in the vent, I heard an alarm go off. The self destruct alarm was going off!

"We have to jump out at the nearest vent exit and evacuate!" I exclaimed.

"Wh-what about Dean?...." Lewis trembled. I hesitated..... Lewis was right? We couldn't leave Dean! The building was going to blow up!

We crawled some more and eventually we found a vent exit. We hopped out. I found a door, it was open, it lead outside. All of us were free... Except for Dean!

I had to contact him on the walkie! If he dies in there, I will never forgive myself.

Dean's POV.
I ran as fast as I could. The captain right on my tail. I was tired from running, but the adrenaline in me rose high as I kept on running.

I ended up on the roof. The building was already crumbling a little. Not enough to break the balance, but enough to shake it.

The captain stood straight across from me, like he wanted to fight. By now, seven minutes have passed. There were only three minutes until this place was going to blow.

I felt myself take a few steps back. He kept on throwing things at me to make me lose my balance. I decided to retaliate and throw stuff back.

As I began to pick up a rock, I felt something hit me hard and I lost my balance! I fell to the ground,

"Well, well, well, Dean Lewis! You tried to stop me? You thought you could stop me? You're too late! You're friends are probably still in the building, about to die!" He laughed. That's when I realized he was right!

"You... You don't have to do this!" I called out. That's when a chunk of the building fell down, and I was hanging from the edge, holding on with my hands!

"HELP! PLEASE!" I called out. I knew he wasn't going to help me though. There was no soul in his eyes!

The building was going to collapse in two minutes! I knew there was no stopping this! Fate would take over.... I looked back up at my hands as I dangle from the top of the building ... Then....

I let go....

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