A typical day to an interesting evening

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"Come on, David. Hurry up." Brian groaned. He wanted to try out the new restaurant that was recently opened and David had made promises to his best friend that he'd take him there at some point.

Within that time span, after David made himself look presentable to the public, since he was a fairly popular figure from his dad's company and more, they were there. There was reservations for just the two of them and it made it a lot easier for David since he was rich and everyone didn't seem to mind too much.

There was just something about David that drew Brian close.

The two sat across from each other from their new surroundings. "Pretty place to be, actually." Brian said in a light yet chirpy tone.
"Yea—" David was going to say but was cut off due to Brian's gaze. It was his brown eyes that really caught David's attention. "Yea, no you're absolutely right." David mumbled, knowing that he had been blushing the whole time and decided to look away, gaze about.

It wasn't much longer before the waitress came and stood by their side to take their orders. After David placed his order, it was Brians and with that, he went ahead, "And I'll have the special, please."

"Bread sticks too, if you have that for a side dish." David added right away and after hearing his best friend's remark, catching the waitress's gaze and without intentionally making her laugh.

A Best Friend kind of love Where stories live. Discover now