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It was ten in the night. The beach was getting peaceful and calmer. The breeze was hitting my skin gently.. The moon shinning brightly in the sky. The would've made her happy. But the thought that she won't be able to see it ever made me sad. Even the bright moon appeared gloomy today. It had been a month now I would visit the beach daily and adore the waters... The sky... She loved all this!

Beach was her favorite hangout place. She always told me that she found peach at the sound of waves. I never understood why she loved beaches so much, being born and brought up in busan I never felt anything special about beaches ,she also happened to live here, but her love for the beach was something else. Now she had left me and I was alone. All alone.

As I sat down on the sand which was now cool , looking around me softly remembering the times when we both used to go for walks along the beach. Hand in hand..

She was some other kind. She wasn't the girl you dream about. She wasn't the girl you see in movies or the girl people wrote novels about. She was the girl you see everyday but never notice. She was short with brown eyes the matched her skin. Long black silky hair always ties up in a ponytail. Her round face, though.. Not fair, Always brightened with happiness.

Well.. She didn't fit into the world's definition of beauty. Nor did mine. She was the shy girl that hides behind the crowd. She was uniquely ordinary . She had those big brown eyes.. Which became even bigger when they saw me. I had accidentally met her at our college campus. We became friends instantly. She was shy. So was I. I prevented even the slightest eye contact with her and she kept looking into my eyes and smiling. Our friendship grew with time. She was sensitive. But strong enough not to display her emotions in public.

She had a soft corner for me from the beginning but she always denied it. She was scared of losing me and I knew it. I took ever advantage of this weakness of hers. But the amazing heart she had, she never complained about anything. As expected I topped her priority list. I kn-knew she was falling for m-me but.. I never stopped her.. She shared everything with me. She called me her best friend but I knew there was something more to it.

To me she was not nothing more than a stupid ugly girl hopelessly in love with me

definition of true beauty ¦ Park Jimin Fanfic ¦Where stories live. Discover now