chpt 4

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I stopped talking to her after this incident. She tried talking to me but I ignore her. I was never convinced of the idea of dating her. She was good, but only as a friend. I always had a idea of a perfect girlfriend. A good looking girl, tall ,fair, thin and what not. She never fitted into that criteria. It was clear in my mind that I didn't want her

After a few days she stopped trying to talk to me. Yet she would smile at me every time she saw me. I never smiled back .days passed and she stopped coming to the college. I had started to miss her presence. I had a break up recently and I wanted her comforting voice around me. I had many friends sympathizing with me but no one could take her place. I missed her. But I was a fool. I got carried away by external features like many of us. But when she was no more.. I realized how beautiful she actually was..

Her beauty was indescribable. She was beautiful at her heart. But I was blind enough not to see it. And every time I asked her why she was good to everyone she replied

''when you're not born pretty you should at least have a good heart ''
She used to say and laugh. She never thought herself as beautiful. But everytime she saw herself in my eyes.. She smiled. She thought I would make her feel what the world had denied her! But I had turned out to be the same...

She was heartbroken. I was the first fucking boy she was comfortable around! I was the first boy she loved so much! And yet I didn't allow her to speak of the affection she felt for me.

definition of true beauty ¦ Park Jimin Fanfic ¦Where stories live. Discover now