Chapter I

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February 17 2003

A girl was born.

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible Maud. " Roger says [Morgan's Father]

"But how about our daughter?" Maud. [Morgan's Mother]

"We are giving her up for adoption. We cannot live like this. We are criminals and terrible people. I don't want our daughter To grow up like us." Roger.

"I can take care of her Roger" Maud.

"Maud Chekov Hilton, Why can't you just understand what im trying to say?! The police are on their way to arrest us!" Roger says angrily.

Maud Nods slowly and Wraps the baby in a blanket. She slowly kisses her forehead and puts her on her crib.

Maud bursts into tears and said her final goodbye to the baby. Roger quikly pulls Maud out of their house as Maud tries to resist. But If she did that, She might get hurt.

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