🌱It's Okay🌱

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   Quick set up woohooo
Setting: Dream SMP but in real life
Basically, everything lore wise is the same except you're there and Ranboob and you are really close friends, you guys are basically family.
[663 Words]

I trudge up the path, snow crunching under my boots. I've been looking for Ranboo for the past hour, and now I'm in the middle of Snowchester freezing my ass off. I really didn't feel like continuing to look around, especially since I kept having nightmares last night that barely allowed me any sleep.
   I figured I might check and see if Tubbo and Ranboo are just hanging out. I walk up the stairs to the front door of Tubbo's smaller home and knock. I then hear a sudden crash come from the attic, which is also Micheal's bedroom.
   I burst through the door and run up the ladder to the room, now extremely worried something might've happened to Micheal. As I pull myself into the room I finally see Ranboo, although he's now fumbling with a dirt block he seems to have just dropped in the middle of the room. I also see Micheal safe on his bed watching his enderman father figure try and clean up a block of grass.
" Oh my god Ranboo, you had me worried sick," I sigh rubbing my face.
"Sorry {y/n}, I think I must've gone into my enderwalk again."
"Well, it's a good thing you didn't get into any trouble, although we do have to talk after you get all that dirt cleaned up."
"Okay, I'll just be a minute."
I nod my head and climb down the ladder. I look out the window and watch the bit of water that wasn't frozen over gently move with the wind. I then also see a hunk of dirt and grass fall from the sky.
"That's one way to do it," you mumble to yourself. I also then hear the tall and lanky enderboy walk over to the ladder and begin climbing down. Once he reached the bottom of the ladder I was next to him and gathered him into a hug.
"You had me so worried Boo," I said with my face buried in his chest.
I felt a light hand reassuringly rub my back and then he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a couple minutes before separating.
"I'm sorry for worrying you {n/n}."
"It's fine, I just wish it was a bit easier to find you when you go into enderwalk mode," I sigh looking up at Ranboo.
" You really don't have to worry so much {y/n}, I'm kind of getting more used to enderwalk and I'm pretty sure my enderwalk mode isn't actually dangerous!"
"I know Boo, but I still worry. I guess I'm just a bit paranoid."
"Are you having nightmares again?" Ranboo softly ran his hand through my hair. I nod, leaning into his delicate but sturdy hand. "Would you like to talk about it?"
"Not right now, but soon."
"Okay, that's fine."
"How about you Boo? Why did you go into your enderwalk state?" I ask looking into his eyes. He sighed and takes my hand. He leads us outside and we sit on a bench that's just outside of Tubbo's house. We both take a seat and he begins speaking, "I thought I saw Dream the other day and began panicking." I rub my thumb in circles around his hand trying to reassure him. "And so, I got overwhelmed and went into my enderwalk state."
I nod and lean my head against his shoulder," I guess I'm not the only paranoid one, huh?" Ranboo leans his head on top of mine and nods.
We stayed there for a while just listening to each other's soft breathing and the sounds of water crashing against ice and shore.
"I care about you Boo."
"I love you too {n/n}."
"Oh, and {n/n}, we're going to be okay, I promise."

Mcyt x masc reader one shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant