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"yo jake," jay waved his hand in front of jake's face. "you've been staring into space a lot lately."

"im not staring off into space." his eyes moved as she walked to her usual lunch table with minju.

"does our little jakey have a crush?" heeseung teased. there was no answer from him. heeseung leaned forward next to jake, trying to figure out who he admiring.

"jake, you can stop searching for me now, im right here." a girl stroked her fingers from his chin up to his cheekbone. he grabbed her hand and turned around, "who are you?"

she stared at him, blinking with a confused expression. "I spent the night at your house last week, hyejin remember? Have you been spending that much time with other girls that you've already forgotten?"

"no, im not sleeping with random girls anymore, leave me alone."

heeseung whispered loudly, "he has a crush on someone now."

"who?" she scoffed, "who the hell does he like?"

heeseung and jay both shrugged in unison.

jake continued to admire the girl from afar. she waved at him once she noticed. an instant smile lit up on his face as he waved back.

"so it's that girl." hyejin glared. she clenched her first and raised her arm. "once I get over there, im going to teach her a less-"

jake held a tight grip on her arm. "if you touch her.. I will not hesitate to break your arm."

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐌 ; 𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌Where stories live. Discover now