Chapter 3

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The prince jumps of his skate board and I do the same.

"lets go" I tell him while  leading him to the garage. I open the door, I look at him and his eyes are sparkling, wow i feel so proud, I laugh. 

Langa looks at me. "you made all of these?" I nod my head with a proud smile.

"wow" he says and I reply "yea! wanna see more?" 

"can I?" he responds with a suprised face, "mhm, of course you can!" I open a drawer without even looking inside it, I look at his face... WHY IS HE RED? "do you have a fever-...." I ask him then look inside the drawer, IT IS THE DRAWER WITH ALL OF THE SKATE BOARDS IVE MADE FOR LANGA, PLUS PICTURES OF HIM. I close the drawer,  so embarssing... i sit down on the floor lenning against the wall. 

I avoid his eyes. Why did I have to open THAT drawer, couldve been the one with unicorn skateboards, the ones that I made for my sisters. But no, it just had to be THAT stupid drawer.  I look at Langa, hoping his not looking at me anymore. What i have hoped for, did not happen, I looked up and I see blue-ocean eyes staring at me, his smiling. 

"w-what are you smiling for?" I ask, he dosent answer my question instead he responds with "so cool" I notice his holding something, its a skateboard that was in the drawer! "w-why are you holding that!!" 

He looks at me with confussion, "I cant?". "you can,but..." I dont know what to say..

Silence comes into the conversion, its so akward.

"Em" I say "You should go home, your parents are probably worrying about you" 

"Mom" he corrects me, his eyes turned cold. "Huh" did I say something wrong...?

"Nothing" he smiles, seems like a fake smilie to me.  he puts down the skateboard. "Yea i should probably go home" he waves at me and goes outside. "Good night" I say... sadly he had already shut the door, did he hear me? probably not. I turn around to put away the skate board langa was holding. "So so embarasing--" I mumble. 

I hear the door open and hear "Good night" I turn around to make sure that what i've just heard wasn't my imagintion. Nope, it was indeed Langa. I smile, he closes the door again. "He did hear me".

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