Chapter 5

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"please tell me about polynomials and rational expressions," the teacher says calmly. dam he really had to do that, why couldn't he be one of the good teachers that say, "it's okay but next time don't day dream"
He knew that I didn't know the answer, so why ask... "I'm sorry sir, but I do not know" I reply and glare at him."Okay, next time do not daydream, see me after class" the teacher answers "okay.."after class I did stay, the teacher told me about what we were learning in class, I said "thank you and sorry for daydreaming" though I really don't care about what we are learning in class...
When I come home, like always I say hi to my sisters and go to my room.I fall on top of my bed, my facing the pillow. "aghhh what a day--" suddenly I remember what day it was before this day-- "AHHH WHAT THE HELL" I roll side to side holding my pillow close to my mouth, so my sisters don't hear me screaming.

10 minutes pass and a sudden knock on the door, I go down stairs to see who it is,, 'maybe mom forgot something?' My sisters were waiting by the door wondering who it is, waiting for me to open it. Our mom strictly tells them NOT to open the door, either wait until I or mom herself opens it or if they are home alone than just don't open. I open the door and I see a ocean haired tall standing with flowers.
It was the prince himself, "I thought you won't ever come here after what happened-" I say. My sisters interrupt our soon to start conversation "WhOs ThAt?!" One said, the other "MoM sAiD nOt To TaLk To StRaNgErS!"
"Hey can y'all go to your room?..." I say "hmph fine" one says and the other goes with it "hmph sure" they both go skipping to their room.

I make sure they actually go to their room, I turn my head to langa "sorry, so as I was saying... why are you here?" I say nervously. He hands me the flowers "here these are for you!"
"F-for me" I say slightly blushing. "Why so sudden? I'm not a girl or anything..." I say softly.
"I know you aren't a girl" he says with a smile and turns his back on me and starts to skip away. He turns around and waves, the wave wasn't just a small wave, he wave with his whole arm.  I waved back, 'what was that-' "HEY WHO WAS THAT" my sisters say at the same time.
"Don't you know him?" I ask
"Noooooooo" they answer with a face that says "am I supposed to know who that is"
"Prince?" They say
They suspiciously look at each other, than look at me
"W-what" I say confused
They start bursting out laughter
"I-if his the—" their laugh interrupting their words. They take a deep breath and try to stop laughing. "If his the prince than you're the- the PRINCESS" after finishing their sentence they amidtly started laughing.
"Y-YOU" I say turning red, I throw the flowers at them and rush upstairs.
"Owwwww" the one says but still giggling

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