Chapter 2- S.H.I.E.L.D

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Y/n- Your name
L/n- last name
E/c- eye color
H/c- hair color
F/c- Favorite Color
Buck- Bucky's nickname
((Words)) or **words** - HLS Making a side note

The man sat me in one of the chairs. "W-who are you...?" I asked confused.

"Y/n, my name is Nick Fury. I am the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. This here is Tony Stark, and over here is-"

"Bucky?!" I said cutting him off.

"You remember me?" He asked, confused.

I nodded my head. "Well then..that's one less person to introduce you too" Fury said. "Y/n, we would like you to be apart of the Avengers, after a thorough check from our agents first, of course"

"What? Avenger? B-but I've tried to kill them..."

"Yes, but you were under Hydra's control, which is why you will be checked out by our other agents as well as go to therapy, like Bucky here" Tony said smiling.

"I would love to..!" I said smiling back at him.

Earlier that same day

"She is a powerful person Nick! She is probably even more powerful than Thor. Which is why I want her on this team!" Tony said trying to convince Fury to let me on the team.

"No Tony, Y/n has killed many people. I can't have someone like that on the team"

"Why? You let Bucky on the team! How is he any different than Y/n?"

He stayed silent. "Tony, you know we can't just keep letting random assassins on this team"

"So what do you want us to do with her? Let her go in the streets? No food no water no money? Letting Hydra get her back, and possibly training her to take down the whole world??"

"Fine! But she will be checked by the other agents, as well as Bruce, and we will follow everything we did with James, got it?"

"I was planning on it" he said smiling.

Back to present time

"FRIDAY, Tell Bruce we are on the way to see him" Tony said.

"Right away sir" FRIDAY responded. I jumped back at this response. Never had I seen a talking building.

"Relax kiddo, that's just FRIDAY"

"W-who is FRIDAY?" I asked confused.

"FRIDAY runs the business for Stark Industries as well as the security for my Mansion and Stark Tower" he responded.

"O-oh..." I said. I didn't know what any of those places were, but I didn't feel like asking more questions. I was already clueless as is.

We walked into Bruce's quarters, which is also known as the hospital wing here.

"Who is this Tony?" Bruce asked looking at me.

"This is Y/n, we just got her about a week ago from Hydra, Fury said you had to run a few tests to make sure she wasn't dangerous, the same things you did with Bucky I guess" he said.

"A week?? Is that how long I've been out?" I said concerned.

"Yep" Tony said walking me over to a chair. "Take a seat Y/n" he said gesturing me towards the chair. I sat down and Bruce started to examine me.

It took almost 2 hours to do the whole thing. He looked into my e/c eyes about a million times. I actually felt like I was going to go blind with how many times he shined a light in them.

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