Chapter 12- "Stay with me, please"

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"Wanna know something?" Bucky asked. I nodded. Then he kissed me. "I like you too. I really really like you" he said smiling.

I was shocked. There is no way this is real. Turns out I was right on that one. Because I fucking WOKE UP!! God damnit Y/n! It was almost dinner time, and FRIDAY came over the speaker in my room.

"Ms Odindottir, Mr Rogers says dinner is almost ready"

"Thanks FRIDAY" I said. I walked out to the lounge and Steve was finishing up dinner, and everyone else was on the couch talking, except Tony and Bruce. "Whatcha talking about?" I asked sitting down in Bucky's lap, because there were no more seats left.

"Just how you knocked two highly trained agents out, on your own!" Clint said.

"Oh..." I said.

"Was there a reason for it?" Thor asked.

"Yeah, the bitches read my diary to pretty much everyone in this room right now, except you and Loki." I said. "So I beat their asses."

"I think they deserved it" Nat said.

"You and me both Nat" I said.

"That was impressive" Bucky said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Dinners ready" Steve said. He made spaghetti. It was actually really good. After dinner I helped him clean up. I did the dishes and he wiped the table off and swept around it.

"Thanks for dinner Babes" I said kissing his cheek.

"Anytime baby girl" he said smiling.

I walked to my room and laid down on my bed. I wasn't able to sleep that night. I was mainly up thinking about that dream I had. And me getting suspended of course. I mean don't get me wrong, it will feel good to not have to worry about missions for a whole month, but I don't know why it was necessary. I mean sure, I beat the living shit out of those two girls, but they shouldn't have read my diary! They got what was coming for them. It was nearly four in the morning when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and Bucky was standing there, panting, out of breath, sweat running down his face, and tears in his eyes. "Bucky..." I took him into my arms and brought him to my bed. "Did you have another nightmare?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm so sorry Buck..." I said. I pulled the covers back so he could get under them. When he laid down I cuddled up close to him. "You're okay Buck, it wasn't real. Try and go back to sleep okay. If it happens again, I'll be here."

"Thank you Y/n" he said.

"Anything for you Bucky" I said smiling. "Now try and get some sleep, I'm not going anywhere" I said. He nodded and closed his eyes. Sure enough after a few minutes he was out like a light. But so was I.

When I woke up, Bucky wasn't there. I figured he'd gone out to the lounge or something, so I got up and walked out to the lounge. No one was there. Not Nat and Clint making fun of each other. Not Steve making breakfast. No Sam, Vision, Wanda, Peter or Thor. "FRIDAY, where is everyone?" I asked the AI.

"Mr Stark and the rest of the team had a mission this morning" she said.

" anyone here?" I asked.

"I believe Loki is in his room" she responded.

"Okay, thanks FRIDAY."

"Of course Ms Odindottir." I walked to Loki's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard from in the room. I walked in and laid down on his bed. "Well hello to you too Y/n" Loki said with a chuckle. I sighed.

"Everyone gone! I got no one to hang out with" I said.

The Missing Asgardian GoddessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin