Who did you kill In a TOH episode?

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Aries:Edna, You pushed Edna into freezing waters on accident.

Taurus:Smithers,wounded him very badly and he died on an infection.

Gemini:Barney,You poisoned his drink for not buying you any beer.

Cancer:Dolph,You shot him because he made fun of you.

Leo:Fat Tony,You ran him over with your car.

Virgo:Moe,You accidentally set the bar on fire and Moe died within the flames.

Libra:Mr.Burns,him for not giving you a raise.

Scorpio:Maude Flanders,You strangled her for insulting you.

Sagittarius:Willie,You accidentally pushed him off the school while he was cleaning the roof.

Carpicorn:Seymour, you beat him to death.

Aquarius:Jimbo,you blew up his house and he died.

Pisces:Otto,You Jumpscared him and he had an heart attack.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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