C H A P T E R 2:derick

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9 AM-10 AM

They sighed and went along with their day until the third period. She sighed through her nose rolling her eyes entering the class seeing derrick "miss Lawrence take a seat next to Mr basis" the teacher said she sighed and sat next to derrick crossing her arms upset derrick looked at her pushing her off her chair she got back up on her chair derrick pulling it out from under her "derrick please stop" she said wanting to hit him sitting back down they get put together as partners for that class "so what's up with you and jacobs?" he said chuckling "none of your business?" she said upset trying to get the cake batter made "oh come on how are you two not together?" he said laughing nudging her to put putting more than the needed amount of cinnamon and sugar. 

"DERICK!" she said, hitting him in the shoulder pissing him off "why are you like this!" he said yelling and screaming at her causing her to break down in tears "why do you have to be so controlling and have to make everything go your way! how could you be such a bi@@@ all the time!" she started crying, bawling her eyes out. 

He had cornered her grabbing her wrist "answer me!" he yelled quietly as he could in her face as she kept balling students hearing the commotion but thinking they were disagreeing about some small thing. Class ended shortly after and once she saw Joshua walking to him nearly collapsing she started balling holding him. They went out to the courtyard eating a pre-packed lunch she cried and cried "what happened what did he do?" he said holding her tightly she started crying talking about it she had had such a hard time arguing with her mom, her doing the same thing derrick did, she held his hand tears falling "I'm gonna kill him!" he said she looked at him "Joshua, don't please!" she said holding him tightly "fine..but he will pay" he said making sure her wrist is okay and making sure she is okay they hung out till the end of lunch they day going normal.

 they smiled grabbing their things walking to the bus getting on the bus soon her head starting to hurt she sat next to him humming don't stop believing. 

3:35 PM

Once the bus stopped they got off and walked to his place as they got there she smiled feeling good the first time today marking it down, they walked up the stairs to his room saying hello to his mother while they walked to his room they smiled and put some records on listing to fly by blood witch as the listened they danced around doing homework she texted her mom "I'm staying over at Joshua's" her mother saw it and sent a thumbs-up emoji. She hummed continuing her work. 

He smiled standing up and stood in the doorway "Want anything? I'm gonna grab a snack" she smiled and shook her head "are you sure" he said giggling she continued her work and he came back soon with a bowl of grapes she continued her work tirelessly and he smiled and put the bowl in front of her "you sure you don't want one?" she giggled "I kinda do" she said upset taking one. 

He sat on the bed next to her "want me to help you finish up?" he said hanging upside down "nope" she said happily getting a text from derrick "I know I shouldn't have given him my number" she sighs seeing all his messages were apologizing for it, she sighed trying to ignore it "let me take care of it" he says in a worried tone of voice she nods as he took her phone replying "stop texting her she's busy" he said as he typed. 

She sighed and continued worried "you wanna work out?" she said getting finished eating some grapes he nodded putting her phone away in a drawer "tonight is gonna be the best night no phones no any stress" he said holding her tightly she smiled looking at him "you're the best friend i ever could have" she smiled and then grabbed a pair of clothes from her bag and walk to the bathroom she came back they nodded and started walking to work out in the basement once they were done working out she sat down on the bed seeing there convo she gasped "no" she said tears welling up she sighed and wiping them away she sighed and hummed anything to keep her mind off of it he walked into the room putting his shirt on "why would you threaten him?!" she said upset "what?" he said confused "why would you do that? Do you know how much danger you put me, my mom and you in?!" she said upset, stammering for words, "I did it to make sure he didn't mess with you!" he said worried he had just ruined their friendship. 

After they resolved the argument she apologized for Joshua's behavior to Derick and after they had been calming down for the night Joshua's face a strawberry he looked at her there eyes stuck on each other "can I ask you something?" Joshua asked politely "of course," Harlyn said, "why do you let him treat you like that?" Joshua asked, he had always been protective of her and didn't like when she let people walk all over her. She looked away trying to avoid the subject "cause I don't like conflict" she said trying to shut down the conversation quickly, he placed a hand on her shoulder gently "you know you don't need to hide anything from me" he said being worried they had grown distant since she got back. "I know and I'm not," she said defensively "Then why did you keep these things you saw a secret? I was looking at your sketchbook during the first period," he said worriedly, snuggling up to her and she stayed silent trying to avoid what he was saying. Knowing she was different knowing she saw other monsters like mentors, gnomes and orcs made her scared. 

"You drew things like orcs and-" he was cut off with a heavy sigh she opened her mouth and finally spoke "Fine, just don't tell anyone that I see that stupid thing," she said worriedly   

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