The Phone Call

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*Lily's POV*
I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, and answered the call. But, just to me sure, I sometimes change my voice incase some fan gets my number.

~Phone Call L=Lily & U=unknown~
L- *deep voice* hello, who is this? this Lily Harper?

L-who are you? *normal voice*

U-ah... well, my name is Julia, and I'm one of the new managers for the brand new MagCon! My partner and I have gathered most of the old crew, and needed two more people... and we thought you and Paige would be perfect to the family!

L-Of course, we'd love to! Paige and I would be grateful to join!

U- Perfect! I'll have one of the guys send you the tour dates, and go over the rules and such. See you soon, bye miss. Harper!

*end of phone call*

What just happened?! Did we just join MagCon, or am I going crazy!

"Paige!!!!!! You won't believe who called me!!!" I pretty much screamed.

"Your crush Blane? That cute guy we saw at Chillies? OH OH..."

"NO! One of the managers from MagCon just called me and asked us if we wanted to join MagCon!"

"AHHHHHH!! No way! Wait... I thought MagCon was over?"

"Nope! Apparently they hired new mangers and are adding more people, and we were asked! So... do you want to join?" I said to Paige.

"Well duh! Why wouldn't I want to join!" Paige replied.

" we have to ask our parents..." I remembered.

"Okay, I'll head home and ask my mom. I'll call you later." Paige said while leaving.

"See ya!"

After she left, I started to head down stairs when my nosy older brother stopped me.

"Hey sis, what's up?"

"Nothing much."

"Oh, so being invited to MagCon is not a big deal?!"

"Were you eaves dropping again?"

"Of course... that's not the point. Are you asking mom and dad now?"

"Yea...nosy butt..." I mumbled.

"I heard that!" He yelled from his room.

I decided before I ask my mom I should butter her up.

I went into the kitchen and found my secret stash of peanut m&ms. She loves them! I put a king sized bag into a purple bowl that I found in the cabinet. I also grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge. Then I headed into her office.

"Hey mom, I brought you a snack." I told her setting the stuff down.

"What is it you want?" She replied while slightly laughing.

"What? Can't I just be nice for my mom?"

Here's the thing about my mom... she's not stupid. One time I dyed my brother's hair purple and I snuck down stairs to grab some hairspray. When I came down she said 'make sure it doesn't stain'. I didn't question it and finished the job. She's pretty awesome.

"No, you always want something."

"Okay, fine. Do you remember when Sarah went to that thing called MagCon? Well, I was invited to join!!"

"What in the world is a MagCon?"

"It's a meet and greet for viners. We put on shows and stuff. Paige was also invited."

"Alright, I know how much this means to you, but you know you'll have to talk to your father."

"I was hoping you could do that..." I said.

"Fine, only because I now know where you hide your food."

"What?! How?"

"I could see you in the kitchen lily!" She laughed once again.

"Thanks mom..." I replied.

Sorry I haven't been very active lately. I've had writers block on a few of my stories. I'm going to try to have a schedule for this book, but I'm not sure what just yet. Please comment what you thought of the chapter and leave feed back! Vote as well!


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