Untitled Part 2

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No One POV

The LOV is out at an arcade. Not doing anything illegal just saving up to buy a giant unicorn. After a long day in villainy, they needed something fun to do. They used their exceptional villain skills to assist them Toga found an accuracy game with fake knives and started racking up tickets. Dabi and Shiggy are gambling in a corner and lady luck decided to play nice. They started betting high and winning high. While Deku is playing all the games he can, basketball, darts, and all the normals.

"Finally, it's so beautiful." Toga drawls over the newly bought unicorn.

"I call burning it once we get home!" Dabi volunteers, hand lighting on fire.

"BITCH NO." Shigaraki tackles him with 4 fingers.

"Oi, get off of me you crusty ass bitch." He glares at Shigaraki.

"Lets go.

Condincdelnty Shota Aizawa is in the area with his husband and adopted child, Shinso. Eraserhead notices the teens bickering, just thinking they were normal teens until he lays eyes on them. The familiarity of them is overwhelming, taken that he had chased them many times before. Only 3 of them, the 4this unfamiliar, short, green hair, freckles. He taps his husband, Hisashi on the shoulder, glancing over at the teen villains, who are too distracted with their bickering to notice the two pro heroes. Aizawa unwraps his capture weapon throwing it in their direction, Tomura notices this and decays it on the spot.

"Sh*t," the smaller one murmurs. The other guys notice and groan as they carry the unicorn.

"Why now? We just had a great day." Toga whines. They sprint away, causing Mic and Aizawa to chase them. Mic calls in pro heroes, and the villains grow in annoyance. Toga, picking up her phone tries to call Mamagiri, when it gets knocked out of her hand by Pro Hero Endeavor.

"Oh f*ck this. I am tired of the f*cking bullsh*t." Shigaraki yells.

Before the villains can escape, a gas fills the area and they all pass out. Well not all of them. Deku must have expected this because he pulls out a mask just in case, and takes knives off his sleeves throwing them at Midnight. She gets pinned to the wall, blood oozing out of her wounds. The heroes gasp at the sheer speed, allowing Deku to pin more heroes, hitting their joints. Eraserhead activates his quirk, only for the villain to dodge and knock him out. Deku attacks the rest of the heroes, making sure they can't move. He picks up Toga's phone to call Kurogiri, when he gets interrupted by a loud, "I AM HERE."

"Oh, f*ck my life." Deku mutters loud enough for all the pro heroes to hear. "Should I kill my self now." Holding the knife at his throat. "Or should I kill all of you?" He laughs maliciously, scaring the wits out of the pro heroes.

"This kid.. Is he human?" Mic murmurs. "What is his quirk? Must be something powerful." A dark aura suddenly emits from the teen, All Might struggles to stand up. He starts attacking the teen, throwing strong blows that Deku merely dodges. His face is full of amusement, while All Might's face is full of amazement. A kid, no older than 16 taking on a pro hero head on, while smiling. The pro hero pauses his attack, allowing Deku to strike a blow to the hero's face, surprisingly knocking him down.

"Kid... why are you doing this." All Might asks, taking Deku by surprise.

"Ah, good question! I became a villain after my hope in heroes was lost, and my dreams crushed by my idol." His eyes narrowing at the older man in front of him. The statement takes the pro heroes by surprise. He lost hope in heroes? "Well would you look at the time! Master would want me back by now, and I wouldn't want to disappoint! Oh I forgot! You guys captured him, what a pity." He says mockingly, no source of remorse in his voice, "How long can you stay in that form now All Might? 1 hour? 30 minutes?"

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