Pink Toes

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They spent the rest of the evening  thinking and planning of different names until they came to one which they both agreed on, Hana meaning favorite. 

" Will she be ok if  it's only Hana? " 

" I think it will be, and it's easier to write, Hwang Hana. Our little Hana , Banana, nana, honey pie." 

" Hmm you have so many pet names for her now hon." 

" Yeobo, I have something to tell you. I know you won't like this." 

" I guess it's about work? "

 " Yes, they need me  to work on  a case connected to the last one, I will be in Gyeonggi province, for a week, you will be ok? I know you will worry." 

 " Honey, I will be,  but I will pray for your safety, and Hana and I will be waiting for you.  So when will it be? " 

"This coming Monday and be back Thursday night,  hopefully. I will be available on mobile, don't worry, this is the only special assignment they have given me. " 

" So that's three days from now.  Promise me, you will look after yourself,  please wear bullet proof, if there is one for the head too, wear it. Baby Hana, tell Appa this will be the last ok? "

" I promise this will be the last my dearest Hana, appa will  be back right away. " He kissed her belly and  kissed Gae In as well. 

Gae In and Ji Sung spent  the weekend well.  They went to buy groceries, and spent time fixing the room they converted as a nursery.  With her growing belly, she sometimes cannot tie her shoelace or bend to wear socks.  Ji Sung was always ready to do it for her, but for the next few days she will be on her own, and their stay out household help will be with her the whole week.

Monday came and  Ji Sung had to leave earlier than Gae In. It was only 5AM and she was still sleeping.

" Yeobo? I know it's  early, but I am leaving now,  I will ring you as soon as I get to the warehouse ok?"

" Hmmm please help me get up. "  Gae In buried her face on his chest. He smelled really good, and Gae In was not ready to say bye.  " Honey, please be careful out there,  don't get hurt, I will think of you and baby Hana wants her appa back right away. "

He cupped her face and gave her a  kiss and hugged her tight.  " The days will fly fast , the next thing you know , I'll be outside your work place, waiting you for you.  By the way,  don't drive anymore ok?  My assistant will pick you up and will take you home ok?" 

" Gwenchana, I can take  the cab, it should be ok. "

" Yeobo? We already talked about this remember? I cannot be at peace if you drive alone, I have to get going, I love you, and my little Hana , Appa will work for a few days ok? "

" Love you  too. Ok take care out there."

 It was a cold  Monday morning. Ji Sung and his team were already set up in the warehouse across the  hide out of the  another drug smuggler.

" Hmmm that guy looks  like a real gangster, but we can knock him down boss." 

" I know, we just need to be careful. Team let's continue to monitor them, this guy is smart too, he would know  if someone's watching them, let's be careful." 

" Hi yeobo.Sorry for the late  message. I got busy here. It's lunch time now, what are my babies eating?Appa is missing you both, love you both."   Message sent.

" Honey I got busy too.  Hana and eomma are eating bibimbap and we will have patbingsu after. We miss you too Appa. Please take care."  Message Sent.

After YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora