Chapter 3

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John POV

I woke up and saw Elaine with her arms wrapped around my torso still asleep. I smiled and nudged her awake

"Hm?" She mumbled

"Time to get up we've got to get school" I said

"Yeah, okay" Elaine said

Elaine got out of bed and I made some food for us. Once we ate Elaine headed back to her dorm room.

I showered, put on my uniform, gelled my hair and went to school.

Once I got on campus, I was approached by a blue haired girl.

"John" Elaine said

"Hey, Elaine" I said

Our conversation was interupted by a loud shout from across the courtyard

"Ow damn it Isen" a red haired boy shouted

"This is the third one of my pens you've broken this week" an orange haired boy shouted

"So you send me flying through the courtyard?" The red haired boy shouted

"You need to be taught a lesson, Blyke" the orange haired boy shouted

"No you do" the red haired boy shouted sending a large red energy beam at the orange haired boy

I copied his ability, just to have it in case I need it.

"That's Blyke and Isen, they do this a lot" Elaine said with a sigh

"Should we stop them" I asked

"No they'll tire them selves out, let's just go to class" Elaine said

Me and Elaine walked to our first class. Once the first class ended, we were walking to math when we saw a low tier getting beat up by a mid tier

"Hold on let me handle this" I said handing my backpack to Elaine

Elaine grabbed my arm

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Going to help that kid" I said pointing at the low tier

"It's just a low tier, why do you care" she asked

"Because I can't just sit here and watch someone get beat up for probably nothing" I said

A sickening crunch was heard behind us. I turned my head to see the mid tier with his foot on the low tier's leg, which looked shattered

Without saying another word to Elaine, I walked right behind the mid tier.

"What do you think you're doing" I said

"Who's asking" the mid tier turning to face me 

"Oh new kid" he said

"Word around the school is that you think you're tough shit, well let me show you, how weak you really are" the mid tier said throwing a punch at me.

Without even thinking I shot one if Blyke's energy beams through the mid tier's shoulder and leg

The mid their crumpled to the ground

"Ow, you bastard" he yelled trying to punch me with his non damaged arm

"You mid tiers never learn do you" I said

Before his hit landed I punched him in  the face knocking him out instantly

I turned to the low tier

"Are you alright" I asked

"F-Fine" She said trying to move her leg, but failing

"Elaine come here please" I shouted

Elaine walked over to us

"What can you do to help this girl" I asked

Elaine looked at me not saying anything seemingly thinking about whether or not she should waste her time with a low tier

"I can help, enough for her to get to the imfimary" she said hesitantly

"T-Thank you" the low tier girl said

"Thank John" Elaine said

"Thank you" she girl said looking up at me

"No problem" I said

"Hey someone bring this idiot to the imfimary" I shouted pointing at the mid tier laying unconscious on the ground

"Thank you again" the girl said

"No problem.. uhhhh" I said

"Evie" she said walking away her leg healed by Elaine

"No problem Evie" I said

"I can't believe I wasted time helping a low tier" Elaine muttered

"Yeah but how did it feel now" I asked

"Good" Elaine said hesitantly

"See" I said

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever" she said smiling up at me

"Oh shit we're late for math" she said

We ran to math as fast as we could

Time skip Two weeks later

Elaine POV

Me and John were sitting in the library because we had a free period. I was resting my head on his shoulder looking at my phone and John was reading a book.

Over the last two weeks, I had been thinking a lot about when we helped that Evie girl.

The way John handled the situation was strange to me. I still can't fully understand why he helped a low tier considering his level of 9.3, but it did feel good to help Evie.

My thoughts were inturupted by the door to the library swinging open. Arlo walked through the door and made two mid tiers leave their table so he cod sit even though there were already open tables

Arlo has been acting more like a douche ever since the mall and him losing to John.

I looked away from Arlo and back to my phone, when I got a text

Arlo: I want to talk to John. Get him over to my table

Me: if you want to talk to John than you can get off your ass and come talk to him

Arlo: Bitch, how dare you talk to me like that, I am you're king, get your stupid boyfriend over here

Me: 1: he's not my boyfriend 2: wrong Your 3: 🖕

Arlo: I have seen you guys kiss in the hallway like three times

Me: We're not official so 🖕🖕

Arlo: Just get him over here

Me: No if you want to talk to him walk over here yourself

I clicked off my phone

"Who ya texting" John asked

"I think we're about to find out" I said as Arlo made his way to us

"Elaine when I tell you to do something DO IT" Arlo said

I just flipped him off making John laugh

"Need something Asslo" John asked

"Just have a question" he said

"Make it quick" John said

"Why haven't you dethroned me as king" Arlo asked


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