Chapter 4

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Elaine POV

"Why haven't you dethroned me as king?" Arlo asked

I looked at John. On the first day he said he wouldn't dethrone him for personal reasons and refused to explain further

John looked like he was in another world.

"John?" I said


"John?" I said tapping him on the shoulder

"Hey Asshole, I'm talking to you" Arlo said

John seemed to break out of his trance

"Hmm?" He said

"Are you okay" I asked him

"Yeah, I'm fine" he said

"So why?" Arlo asked

"Why, what?" John asked

"Why haven't you dethroned me, you're stronger than me" Arlo repeated

"Because I don't feel like it" John said nonchalantly

"Why not?" Arlo asked

"Arlo, he doesn't like talking about this, I've asked" I told him

"I don't care, he must have a reason" Arlo persisted

"If he does, probably personal" I said

"I said I don't feel like it" John said

"I know what you said, I want to know why he won't dethrone me, and don't just give me this I don't feel like it crap" Arlo said

"Leave it Arlo" I said warningly

"No" Arlo said

"Stop pushing it Arlo" I said looking at John who was shaking

"Why would you not, take your rightful place in the Hierarchy" Arlo said grabbing John by the shirt collar and raising him off his chair

"BECAUSE I'M NOT WORTHY OF A POSITION LIKE THAT" John yelled slapping Arlo's hand away

Arlo who was startled by John's sudden explosion stumbled back as John fell onto the floor. After he recovered from the shock he continued his questions

"Explain" he said

"No" John said

"Why not" Arlo asked

"It's personal" John said standing up

"Put it this way" John said glaring back at Arlo " With power comes responsibility and I only have the power"

John finished and walked out of the library leaving me and Arlo in shock, taking in the information John just told us

"No responsibility?" I thought

Two days later

Still Elaine POV

John hasn't come to school since the event in the library. I'm starting to get worried. I'll swing by his apartment after school

I was walking to my third period class, when I saw Evie getting beat up by Hower in the hallway.

"Just ignore it" I told myself as I walked past

I heard Evie scream as Hower activated his heat hands ability.

"Damnit" I muttered as I turned around

I punched Hower in the face as hard as I could. He flew backwards, probably because he was caught by surprise.

Hower slid back.

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