• chapter 1 •

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Ranboo POV

Tubbo.. where do I start with my precious beloved.? I don't know.. maybe at the fact that he's so adorable, but don't get too fooled under his underlying foolishness, he isn't that sort of innocences. And I know that he can be a bit tough on the outer exterior sometimes, but I do really love him.. I just really don't know how to properly tell him.

I mean, I dream about him, I cuddle a damn pillow at night for crying out loud. The only issue is, he lives thousands of miles away, in the UK, as I am in florida. It's not like he doesn't know I exist, haha. We play loads of minecraft together, as well as talk on the phone almost every night.

" I don't know what he is thinking, nor I "

« Ding! Ding! »

~ from : tubbie👾 ~
    6:13 pm

< 123. >

Holy... Fuck! Tubbo..! I ran straight to the facetime button. You see, me and Tubbo here, we have secret number codes, and each one means a different thing. 123 means I need you/panic attack, and so fourth, I'll tell you the rest when it gets to that point.

The phone dialed for about 5 seconds before tubbo picked up. I was so stressed. He was crying, tears streaming down his face, tightly holding his giant bee plushie I mailed him for his birthday.

"Tubbo! What's wrong?!" I put my face up to the camera, scared of what was happening.

"I.. " his voice was shaky as tears flooded his mouth and nose. "I really-.. don't like myself." He cut himself off, with the hiccuping effect that was caused by his crying.

I sat back in disbelief. What did he mean by that.?

"Tubbo.. why...?" I replied to him, saddened by his way of thinking like that about himself. "I love you just the way you are.. you understand that.. right?" I finished, giving him a comforting look.

"Ye- yeah.. but what about me?"


Author here! Im Soo sorry this chapter was vv short for the first one, but it's 2 am and I really need to go to sleep! Il update y'all tmrw! Bai!

it's me, tubbo ~ tubbo x ranboo Where stories live. Discover now