The Beginning

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August 18, 1993

Unknown hospital near Empire State Building

In a hospital waiting room near the Operation Theatre, a man with messy black hair and sea green eyes, which looked like they were glowing, was sitting impatiently. The man wore leather sandals, khaki Bermuda shorts and a Tommy Bahama shirt with a beach print. He was appearing to be very tense. Just a minute before midnight a cry of a child was heard and his shoulders suddenly sagged with relief. Had this man looked out of the window, he would have noticed the stars glowing brightly just for a few seconds.

"Sir, are you Mrs. Jackson's husband?" asked a nurse who had walked swiftly towards him from the Operation Theatre.

"No, but I am her boyfriend." Answered the man.

"Congrats sir! Your daughter is safe and healthy but unfortunately, we could not save Mrs. Jackson. I am sorry." said the nurse.

The man looked saddened at that and his eyes became a little teary. He loved Sally Jackson with all his heart and had gotten quite attached to her during the time he had spent with her. And now she was gone but he knew that he would always remember her.

"Would you like to see your daughter, sir?" asked the nurse breaking him out of his stupor.

"Yes, of course!" he replied suddenly feeling a bit better at the mention of his daughter.

He was then led to the nursery. There were at least a dozen cribs in the nursery but he recognized his daughter quickly. His daughter was different than other babies around him. The child had smooth skin with no wrinkles like the other babies. Her cheeks were not swollen as is normal with any new-born baby. There was a tuft of black hair atop her head. But the most noticeable feature of his daughter was her eyes. Her eyes were sea green and were glowing with power and knowledge that should not be there in a toddler's eyes. She was silently and curiously watching her father.

The man, Lord Poseidon, slowly walked over to his daughter. As he neared her crib, her expression of curiousness suddenly melted into a smile. He was so busy admiring his daughter that he did not notice the nurse leaving. He unwrapped her hand from a bar on the crib and let her wrap her tiny fingers around his right index finger. He felt very content in that moment.

A scream of agony was heard from down the hall from the nursery and the moment was broken. The baby's expression was suddenly full of grief, her lip started trembling and her eyes started to fill with tears. As soon as she started crying, the whole building began to shake intensely. He realized that the earthquake was caused by her due to her grief. He tried to stop the earthquake but was unable to. When he noticed the falling chips of ceiling, he quickly erected protection around the room in order to keep the babies from harm. He was a little relieved after that but was quick to notice that slight cracks had started to appear in the walls. He was startled to see that because none of his children had caused such a powerful earthquake ever before, even after they had fully grown up.

He then slowly picked his daughter up in order to calm her down and was surprised that she instantly calmed down in his arms and the building stopped shaking instantly. He instantly felt something on her back which was aligned to her heart. It was like a mark. He felt around the mark and was dumbfounded. It is the Mark of Order and Chaos!

Just as he realized it, the stars shone brighter for a second as if to acknowledge him. He discerned that she could not be left among the mortals or the Earth would be demolished. He decided that he would bring her to Olympus after making sure that all records of her birth were erased. He mused that maybe his sister Hera would agree to erase the memory of the mortals who had witnessed his daughter's birth.

Princess of the VoidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora