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"SCOTT. WHERE ARE YOU!" I say trying to find Scott in the woods after he texted him to meet him there for a pack meeting, but why in the middle of the night.
"SCOTT!" Where is he? I look down on my phone and it looks like it's about to die."Well there goes my flashlight!" I yell Scott's name again, no answer. I continue to walk through the woods with no light to guide me.

A few minutes later

"SCO-" I trip on a root and fall over. Ouch. A twig snaps behind me. "Scott is that you man?" I get up off the ground but the person in front of me pushes me down. Causing me to hit my head on a rock. "Your not scott." "Nope." They pick me up by the throat  and slam my head against a tree. There nails digging into my throat.
Suddenly there's a bing bing sound coming from there pocket. "Uhhhhhh whyyyy now" they reach into there pocket and pull out a pager. "Fuck, work" they wave a pager in my face. They work at the hospital I filed that away in my mind. "This was fun" they take look at my neck and see scratch marks. "Your gonna have more fun when you wake up." I pass out.

How did you like it. Was it good. Anything I need to change.

Any ideas on what was eating him
Or who?

This is my first story to hope you like it.

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