Hard decisions (Part 1.)

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The next morning, Amelie got up quite early. Today was the day students returned to Hogwarts for another school year, and some new came for the best first day of their lives, Amelie loved seeing the sorting ceremony, especially Ginny's. But the fact that students were back also meant she needed to kill herself at work to have everything ready so Snape could teach his classes properly. 

Amelie knew she would be swamped with work the whole day, which meant she could not be with Charlie at any time; besides, he needed to go back to Rumania, so she decided to wake him.

"Charlie... Charlie, wake up..."  Amelie said in a sweet but hurried voice.

"Amy, is everything okay?" He asked, with a raspy and sleepy voice, which made Amelie smile. He was now seated, with his head resting on the headboard of her bed. Amelie got closer and then straddled him, she ran her hands through his curly and messy hair. 

Charlie, who was still sleepy, chose not to wonder why she behaved this way, considering how she was last night, and decided to put his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him. Their mouths were inches away, their lips were brushing against each other when she kissed him deeply. But what he didn't know was that she was bottling her feelings up and releasing her unrest by acting this way with him.

"What a good way to wake up," Charlie said between kisses; Amelie softly laughed at him. Charlie was now kissing her neck and was going down with each kiss; Amelie let some soft sighs come out of her mouth but decided to go against the feeling by pushing him away gently.

"We can't do this right now Charlie, I have lots of work to do, besides you need to leave for Rumania today before the students arrive," Amelie said while cupping his face with her hands. Charlie, being Charlie, pouted at her comment, which made her laugh. He loved making her laugh, and given the circumstances, he wanted her to laugh every second of the day before he left. 

They were interrupted by Zeus, her owl, who had entered her room with a letter, Amelie got off Charlie's lap and retrieved her letter.

Miss Smith, 

Acknowledging how things unraveled last night, and considering our work yesterday, today is a rather calm day, which means I won't need you. 

If anything happens or if I need you, I'll let you know.

- Professor Snape. 

Knowing that she had the day free, she decided to take advantage of her time with Charlie.

"I'm going to get a bath, I suggest you do the same." She said while walking towards the bathroom, giving him a flirty look, making him follow right in. 

Both helped each other taking their clothes off after they got in the shower and turned on the water, which started to soak both of their hairs, from behind, Charlie started to massage her shoulders, going up to her neck and then to her scalp, making Amelie melt under his touch. She then turned around and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips; this was a very intimate moment between them, nothing sexually related, they were enjoying being so close to one another, 

He then took some of her lavender shampoo and started to rub it in, when he was done, she wanted to return the favor, she did the same, only she was on the tip of her toes, considering the height difference. After a lot of pampering and after cleaning themselves, they got out and got dressed.

After they were ready, they went to the Great Hall together, as it was still early, it was empty, only Minerva, Albus, and Poppy were there. As they entered, all three pairs of eyes fell on them.

Charlie and Amelie made their way to the teacher's table. Amelie sat beside Minerva, who kept asking them about their relationships, while Charlie, Albus, and Poppy watched and silently laughed at Minerva's curiosity.

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