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Emily Prentiss sat in the car looking at the bright sunny fall sky. It was the exact opposite of the mood the world felt to her now. Three families were brutally murdered, a home of foster kids disrupted as the team uncovered the disturbing details. All of this only to remind her of what the future could hold for the teenager, Carrie, could face in her near future as being left after her family was murdered. Emily sighed thinking back to this morning when she held the teenager in her arms for an hour after she faced the man who was responsible for the death of her brother. The teen was strong, but Emily knew Carrie was only growing more and more tired with each day and nightmare that rocked her nights. Maybe it was JJ who planted the seed or the fact Emily saw herself in the teenager, but all she could think of was bringing the teen with her, providing a home, and trying to help Carrie navigate the aftermath of the event.

Morgan drove back from the scene with Emily on the passenger side. The case was closed, and they would be homeward bound within hours. The Denver Police Office appeared in view and Emily quickly made up her mind as she walked into the building. Making her way in, Emily checked each room looking for where Hotch would be, cleaning up the case files they had strung across walls.

Emily walked into the room to find Hotch cleaning up the table with all the papers from the case. Emily looked down quietly and started to gather some of the papers into her hand. She looked up at Hotch.

"I could take her," Emily said quickly.

Hotch looked up confused "Take her?"

"Carrie," Emily replied. "To DC."

"You mean to live with you?" Hotch asked as he noticed a different side of Emily he had never seen before.

"Yeah," Emily responded.

"Why would you want to do that?" Hotch asked knowing that she had no prior involvement in children and how she usually distanced herself from cases.

"I have room," Emily started, "money, and you know, she smart. Two, three years she goes to college."

"Prentiss," Hotch responded sternly. "This is the job and I need to know you can be objective."

Emily looked back at him shocked, "And I need to know that I can be human."

Hotch paused looking up from the papers at Emily, "JJ heard back from the family in LA. They said they can take her."

"Oh," Emily nodded, her eyes dropping in sadness trying to find a way to respond, "That's...Great."

Emily bowed her head and swallowed trying to hold back any feelings. Hotch had said no, and Carrie was set to go. Hotch remained silent watching his subordinate process the wave she was riding. He had to admit, in his short time knowing her, it was the first he had ever seen her put herself out there in a vulnerable position. He was right, she needed to be objective, but Hotch knew Emily was also right; she also needed to have her human side. Emily quietly finished stacking the folders before giving a half-smile to Hotch and stepping out of the room. Emily inhaled a deep breath; feeling like it was the first time she could bring since talking to Hotch.

"Hey," JJ said walking up behind Emily. "We should be good to go soon."

"Okay," Emily smiled. "Is Carrie still here?"

"Yeah," JJ nodded, "Just down the hall. I just gave her an update on her family. Oh yeah, LA said yes, so they are coming now to get her. Poor thing will have to stay in a group home tonight, but after that, it should be good."

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