New Beginnings

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"We have about a thirty-minute drive to my place," Emily said, "I live in downtown DC."

"Oh cool," Carrie smiled as they started to drive everything began to hit her.

Three weeks ago, she was happy, with a family, going to school. Then she was alone in the hospital and terrified only to be taken across the country to California. Now she was entirely across the states and driving down an unknown road with a woman she didn't really know. Carrie closed her eyes and blinked trying to wash the tears away. She felt her hands fidgeting below. Emily had also noticed that tick and could tell Carrie had been picking at her nails as she did. Emily stopped herself from talking noticing what was going on behind Carrie's eyes. She knew this was a lot for the teenager who had been given the worst few weeks of her life. As Emily approached DC, Carrie's eyes grew wide of the world growing around her. Emily smiled seeing the look on Carrie's face. She continued driving and eventually pulled into a parking garage.

"Well this is it," Emily said. "The place is up on the sixth floor."

"Okay," Carrie nodded following Emily out of the car.

"Here," Emily said, "I'll take your bag."

"I...I got it," Carrie smiled not wanting to feel like a burden for Emily.

"Okay," Emily said placing a hand on the teen's shoulder and led her upstairs.

Emily unlocked the apartment door and led Carrie inside. Carrie looked around pausing on the doormat not sure where to go.

"Come on in," Emily invited the teen who had grown nervous. "I can give you a tour."

Carrie nodded in response feeling awkward.

"So right here is just the mudroom," Emily said. "There is a small half bath and washer and dryer. Over here is the kitchen. I try to keep it stocked with the necessities. So eat whatever you want, and if you think of anything you need just ask. The dining room is right here, but I usually just eat at the kitchen bar. And the living room is just right over there. The couch is comfy and the TV had Netflix and Hulu attached. Okay, upstairs."

Emily started upstairs and Carrie paused taking everything in. Emily had small trinkets placed everywhere and they seemed to be from around the world. The kitchen was spotless while the living room had a blanket messily thrown on the couch. Emily had plants spread close to the windows, that Carrie knew did well without little care. Carrie quickly followed Emily up the stairs.

Emily smiled at the teen, "So over here is the library or office."

The teen stepped in behind Emily and her face dropped seeing the number of bookcases that lined the walls all stacked with books.

"Did you read all of these?" Carrie asked.

"Yes," Emily replied, "I am a bit of a nerd and much older than you so I've apparently had time to read all of them. Feel free to read anything you want. Do you even like to read?"

Carrie laughed catching Emily's nerves, "Yes I do."

"Good," Emily sighed walking out of the room and down the hall. "Okay then down this hall are the bedrooms. This one is mine and yours is right here. You'll have your own bathroom connected to it. Oh and I know the room is a bit bland, but I figure we can get stuff to decorate it."

Carrie shrugged not wanting Emily to feel like she had to spend money on her, "It's fine."

"Carrie," Emily said, "I want to. You are going to be living here. It's your space too."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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