••••••••• ••The Beginning••

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Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of "The Beginning," Gravity Falls fan-fic done by none other than muah! Hope you like it!

I couldn't believe that my parents made me move away. It was the worst feeling in the world. For thirteen years I had lived in California, happy and cheerful, not a care in the world. Then, one day, my parents just randomly think that it's time for 'a change of scenery.'

"What?!" I had cried. "Why?!"

My parents both grabbed each other's hands happily. "Well, Eleanor, it's time we get out of this house and go explore other places." They had told me.

I stomped my feet. "No! All my friends are here!"

My parents didn't seem to hear me.

Now, I sat in the car, driving behind the moving truck to Oregon. I pouted as I sat my head on the open window of the car and let my hair blow wildly in the rapidly passing wind. I sighed as I saw the sign that said "Welcome to Oregon!"

My mom looked behind the passenger side seat and looked at me. "Hey, it's pretty nice up here, you'll make new friends." She assured me.

I glowered at her and looked away.

My mom shrugged and looked back up ahead. The trees started to grow thicker and the road slowly turned to dirt. Another sign appeared, but it went by to quickly for me to read. I put my head back on my arms and continued staring out the window.

My dad kept his eyes on the road, because he was driving, but spoke to me. "Your hair looks like a tangled mess, pull your brush out and braid it or something.

I leaned back in the car and pulled my long maple brown hair back in. "No it's not." I retaliated, even though it was tangled. I brushed it out quickly and left it.

"Put it in a pony-tail." My mom instructed.

"No." I answered stubbornly.

My mom let out a long exasperated sign.

Another sign came up. This time it said. "Welcome to Gravity Falls!"

I made weird face. "Gravity Falls?" I whispered.

Soon we pulled up to a small house. It had a porch, it was two story and had a grass lawn. It was in a large clearing, surrounded my trees. The house was all wood and I guessed there were three rooms in total. "One extra." I murmured to myself.

My parents stopped the car. They got out and my mom walked over to me as I stood examining the house. "You go in and explore and we'll unpack, I know how you're upset about this so just go and look around."

I smiled. "Kay." I ran up over the grass to the door. I twisted to faded gold knob and entered the house. The living room was really big and had wooden floor. The stairs came up the side of the living room up to the second floor. Down a hall, to the right was the kitchen and in the middle of the hall was a door that led to a room and a little ways away from it was another room. I guessed that the master bedroom was upstairs. The bathroom was randomly placed at the end off the hall where you turned to the kitchen. "Man I hate the lay out of this house." I said to myself. I ran back out, completely uninterested in the house. "Hey mom!" I called. She walked up to me, carrying a box.

"Hey honey, do you like the house?"

"Uh, yah, um, am I able to go adventure out in the forest?" I asked.

My mom nodded. "There is another house not that far from here that you can go see, I think there is a kid that lives there."

I nodded, eager to get away. I was glad we moved during the summer so I don't have to worry about school for a long time. I sped off into the forest and leapt over logs and dodged trees. I missed the ocean, the salty sea air, the crashing of the waves. Now I was surrounded by dirt, grass, trees and who knows what else. Soon I came into another clearing. A rickety old house was lain out before me. It had giant letters that spelt out "Mystery Shack" but the S fell of so it said "Mystery _hack." I walked up to it. A bunch of tourists milled around it and some went inside what seemed like a gift shop. "Hm." I said as I looked over it. I followed the group. An old man, wearing a tux and an eye patch, led the group.

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