Taken Over

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Chapter 1

I had no idea what was going on. My body felt weird and Dipper kept on staring and me and mouthing words. Everything was muffled.

Dipper got on his knees and started to shake my shoulders as fear lit up his eyes. He seemed to be screaming something.

Suddenly an erie sound began to grow I my ear.

"Mabel!" Dipper was saying.

I shook my head and put my hands on it. "Ow." I said as my head ache made my entire skull throb.

Dipper slightly relaxed. "Oh my god, Mabel, what happened?" He asked fearfully.

I looked down. I knew I shouldn't have messed with the journal and I couldn't admit my foolishness. "Oh nothing, I was um." I paused and looked around and saw my stuffed bear sitting at the edge of my bed. "I was having a staring contest with my bear!" I said as I picked him up. "He's really good." I whispered to Dipper.

Dipper narrowed his eyes. "Okay, if you say so Mabel." He said reluctantly.

I swallowed. I was so nervous. After I saw what happened do Dipper, I regretted my actions immediately. I had never really had chances to touch this mysterious book, read it, let alone use it for my own will.

Dipper sat down. "Ok Mabel, so I was wondering, the spell is wearing off, and I was wondering if we could forget all of this and go back to being normal siblings?"

I nodded. "Okay."

Dipper smiled. "Good. So I'll be right back, I'm gonna get some more stuff for mini golf!" He told me.

"Kay, bye bro bro!" I said. When Dipper disappeared I looked down at the book. "Oh no. Oh on, oh no!" I said panicking. "Oh god no..." I started to pace back and forth. "What spell did I do? I couldn't even read all of it!" My breath started to come in gasps. "Why'd I do that?!" Suddenly my body became stiff and a white light flashed. I opened my eyes. A black and white world lay before me. "My room..." I murmured. A crazed laugh echoed through the room. I yelped and backed up from the window. Suddenly the triangle window was outlined with a gleaming yellow light. I shield my eyes. A loud bang sounded and a weird creature appeared.

It was a yellow floating triangle with a skinny black top hat and black legs and arms. "Hey Shooting Star, thanks for inviting me into your mind!" The creature snapped his fingers and a black came appeared.

My eyes were as big as plates. "Who are you?" I asked nervously.

"The names' Bill Cypher, I'm just wondering Shooting Star, why you messing with that there journal?" He pointed at the journal and it came in color and levitated over towards me.

"Uh, um." I stammered.

Bill laughed. "Well, mischievous are you? I could use that, you wouldn't mind me using you?" He asked as he rubbed his hands together.

"What?! No! What are you and what are you trying to do?" I asked angrily.

"I'm the master of the mind!" He said spreading his arms. "A creature of unimaginable power! I just want to destroy that journal and..." He broke off.

I swallowed.

"Well, I'll tell ya the details later." Bill said.

I took a couple steps back.

"One sec Shooting Star." Bill said.

I froze.

Bill raised my hand and seared a star into my hand.

I whimpered at the slight pain.

"There ya go!" He said. "Just so you don't forget this deal." He said swinging his arms. "Well, see you in your dreams and I'll be alive in your nightmares!" Bill clapped his hands and a warp hole appeared and in a flash he was gone.

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