8~out with a bang

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I had woken the next morning crammed together with 4 other half naked bodies. We had all fallen asleep here last night after I escaped. It's been a long time since we've slept like that. Zayn was wrapped around my waist suspiciously tight, as if he was afraid I'd get stolen in my sleep, but I didn't really mind until I had to go wee.

I wasn't that hungry after last night's meal but they forced me to eat breakfast with them. I ate a few bites of eggs and bacon to appease them. But then they forced me to explain the whole thing to the cops. It was utterly embarrassing to tell them. I swear, the police looked at me like I was insane. Maybe I am, but still. I didn't even want to talk to them in the first place. The least they could do is at least pretend to be nice?

I refused to talk to the boys after that but then Zayn bribed me with Nandos. I think they're secretly trying to fatten me up. But I couldn't not eat the chicken.

I'm surprised management hasn't said anything to me yet but Liam said they're giving me a day or so to process everything or something.

Afterwards, i went to chill out in my hotel bedroom by myself. I forgot how comfortable beds can be. While sleeping on a floor was more comfortable than I had expected, the floor is like sleeping on nails in comparison to this bed.

I laid there for what could have been minutes or hours. I kind of lost my sense of time after being kidnapped. I've learned to distract myself with absolutely nothing for hours on end. It's much better than being stuck with my own thoughts. I mean, I'm still constantly stuck with annoying thoughts and things but I'm much better at shutting them off.

However, a soft knock on my door interrupts my nothingness.

I groaned and trudged to my door. One of the boys was probably checking up on me again. I mean, I get it but I was just so comfy in bed. I opened up the door laxidazily and when I saw who was at the door, my jaw dropped. I quickly try to slam the door closed but they put their foot between the door. You've got to be kidding.

"The fuck do you want?" I asked, still trying to close the door. But it was no use. He had the upper hand.

"You owe me something" Carl hummed creepily.

"About that, I've actually got gonorrhea" I said, putting all my force to shut the door. Suddenly, the force of the door was too much and I fell to the ground. I swear, after this, I really am going to work out. Carl walked all the way in and shut the door.

"Well I do too, so that won't be a problem" Carl says. Before I could scramble away, Carl picked me up by the collar of my shirt and held a knife to my neck. Eek, hostile much.

"Well, I also have syphilis" I added rather calmly. I know I said I'd fuck Carl, but I think it waas more me just being bored and horny than anything. He's a bit too insane to fuck. He'd probably get attached. I also can't tell if he was joking about the gonorrhea, but I don't want to know.

"I don't mind" Carl smiled evilly as he pushed the blade deeper against my skin.

"Okay, okay, chill out with the knife and I'll do it" I really don't want to have a scar on my neck. I've already got one on my knee and that's more than enough. It might make me look badass though.

Carl took the knife off my neck and pushed me onto the bed.

"What happened to you not being gay anyways?" I asked curiously as Carl approached the bed.

"I'm not gay" Carl spat.

"Well, I regret to inform you that I do not have a vagina. Just a dick. A mighty fine one I might add"

"Just shut the fuck up and strip" Carl replied angrily. I sighed and stripped off my shirt and pants. I'll have to find a way out of this. I am not getting inappropriately touched by another psycho.

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