The bond

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*1 month later

Craig P.O.V.

It's time for graduation and I'm making a big announcement for me and my baby boy Jay.

*at graduation

"Craigypoo" Jay said running to me.

"Whats up pumpkin" "I brought some friends along with me." "For reals where they at" Jay pointed to the parking lot and i saw my cousin Anthony another guy that was with him and a girl that looks like his sister coming out of a mustang.

"Whats good cuz" "wassup man" "Craig meet my best friend Michael we call him T.I. and my play sister Asia." His friend Michael sure doesn't look like T.I. "wassup mane" "what's up" he sounds just like him but a familiar accent. "Are you from Memphis" "yea how'd you know" "I've been there and it's alot of people with that southern accent" "hey boo I'm Asia" his play sister said hugging me "are y'all brothers and sisters y'all look alike. "Everybody says that but we not" "we've been close since middle school" Jay said. "Jay I'm jealous got you a good lookin man." "Hey we'd better get going before they start" Anthony said "okay go on ahead I'll catch up with you inside" Jay said. They walked off into the building as Jay started laying his head on my chest.

"I'm nervous aren't your parents here too." "It's gon be alright baby we gonna get through this together alright" I said kissing him on his cheek "go on inside pumpkin" I said. "Wait Craig you missing something." He came and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Love you".

Jays P.O.V.

Shakita chance, Justine chanelle, & Austin Chaplin

Everyone who was sitting with me yelled his name as he went up stage.

Austin Chaplin you've also received a $20,000 scholarship to Cumberland university as their wide receiver.

I cheered for how successful he was. As I did I saw he got on the Mic. "This is an honor to receive this award I wanna thank each and every one who helped me go this far in my life. I wanna make a big announcement to you all. I've been seeing someone for a good 2 months and I love this person to death bae if you're here would you please stand." I stood up as the crowd looked at me. "Jay you are the love of my life and without you I'm incom-" Craig was cut off by the boos people were shouting. One by one people came by and started to punch there way to me. "Asia take Jay with you out of here" Michael said. Asia grabbed my arm as we rushed out the school. "Wait we gotta go back for Craig" I said. The crowd got over Michael and Anthony making there way to me and Asia. "Jay get to the car I'll hold em off" Asia said. "I don't wanna leave you he-" "just go goddammit." I stood there not knowing what to do, that is when people came and jumped on Asia. I ran to the car hoping I'd make it out alive.

*did Jay make it out alive?

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