(1) New Start

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"It's been only a short time since Hollywood lost the cherished actor by millions of teenage girls, Taylor Murphy. Also at the same time, an on scene witnesses saw Melody run out of the hospital back into the rain after a doctor hand deliver a note to Melody. But now Melody hasn't been seen since! Now, everyone's asking where this little Obsession has managed to run off to. Though no one is more concerned than the people she was staying with all this summer.

Now, 6 weeks later, no one has even seen this girl. Is she hiding? Or is she just running?"

"I'm running you idiots. I'm running," I answer for the E! News reporter. My dad comes up behind me and slaps me on the shoulder. “Who was that on the phone?”

He sighs. “It was Jake and them. They were just wondering if there was any news on how you are or if we’ve seen you. They are really worried Mel. They think you’re dead somewhere.”

“Good. I want all of them to know just how much I hate them right now.”

“Ally and Liz are coming back today. Sam with everyone else. They are coming to look here.”

“I need to go somewhere. Go somewhere and hide.”

“I’ve already got you set up. You’re going to be staying in Miami in Grandfather’s beach house.”

“Really? You’re doing that for me?”

“Yes. But we need to get you going now. Their plan is landing in a couple hours and yours is leaving in a little bit. You don’t have to pack anything because then they will know something’s up with some of your items missing. So just get your important things that you got from Jake’s house and put it in a bag.” I stand up and hug him tightly. “I want you to be happy. I going to miss you more than you can imagine, but I need you to be happy again. If that means you having to go thousands of miles, I will put up with that. Even if it kills me.” A tear rolls down my face and I wipe it away. “Now go, get ready. I want to get you there early so you can get through check in quickly.”

“But how will I get in without people noticing me?”

“Mom got you colored contacts, and some hair dye. The dye won’t take too long but we need to do it quick.”

I go upstairs and go and pick from the hair dye.

“Blue….Red….or Purple.” I pick up the blue hair dye and follow the instructions and put it in my hair. I wait a little bit and rinse out the access and look at my new blue hair. It was a nice change. I put in the bright blue contacts that make my eyes pop. I didn’t even look like the old me. No one would know who I was.

I rush downstairs and go and hug my mom.

“Thank you! I love the change!!” I say into her shoulder.

“No problem. But let’s get you going. Everyone should be getting here in a little over an hour.”

I grab my bag and head to the car. This is going to be different.

2 Days Later

I push back my hair and sit on the beach. I’ve been in Florida for two days. It’s nice and calm. Better than LA.

I walk back inside and set my camera up in front of a blank wall. I push my hair back and place a hat on so no one can see my different colored hair and take out my contact. I press record and begin to film the hardest video of my life.

“Hum….hey guys. I have no clue what I’m going to try to say in this video, but let’s see how this goes.

“I know I have basically vanished from the world, but I’m fine. It’s just with everything that started to happen-” my voice cracks and a lump in my throat forms. I stare at my hands and blink my eyes clear of the tears. “Taylor Murphy was a guy I thought I only liked because I was looking for that summer love. I feel in love with him but I didn’t want to basically fall down the hill called love. When Taylor died-” I wipe the tears that has started to fall freely from my eyes. “When he died, I realized that I was in love with him. I know I’m ‘not old enough to know what love is’ but that doesn’t change the feelings I got from him. He was there for me.

“This video is going to release the truth. The photos that were released of Jake supposedly slapping me….they are….they are not true. Jake didn’t slap me. What happened is nothing. I turned away because I had said something to Taylor and Jake was trying to talk to me and he was pushing a piece of my hair out of my face. He didn’t slap me. He wouldn’t slap me. Jake has done nothing wrong. I know he is going to watch this video, and I know he is looking for me. But right now, I’m not coming out. I can’t. I’m leaving the past behind. I’m going to start over.

“I love all of you guys. I love Taylor and Oaklyn and everyone else I met because of Taylor. But I’m not over what happened. It hurts looking back. I hurt. Taylor made me happy. Little things back then did. I’m becoming happy now! I just need time. So, I’m going to answer one questions from social media.

“One person ask: ‘What was your best moment with Taylor?’ I guess all of it. He made me happier than I could ever remember. I was a lucky one. Growing up I loved watching his movies. He was like my dream guy growing up. I got to date and fall head over heels for the guy I watched in movies. He was one of the happiest people I had ever met. For all the people who never got to meet him, I’m sorry. He was one of a kind. No one you will ever meet will be like him. He truly made a difference in everyone he meets life. I’m sorry.” My voice cracks and I just cry even harder. “I’m sorry.” I repeat slowly. I turn off the camera as I blow a kiss ending the video.

I sit back with my laptop and just straight ahead and post the video.

“Here goes nothing.”  

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