Familiar Faces

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Another day, another dollar.

That's what Jacob told himself every day, just to get out of bed. The same morning rituals, the same times. It all became so tiresome and boring, but it was all he had left.

Jacob found himself staring at his bedroom door, lost in thought. His family had passed the flower shop down generation after generation; it was now in possession of Jacob. He loved flowers and gardening, but even this was becoming too much. He desperately wanted something... Someone to share his time with.

He reluctantly slid out from the covers, putting on a purple sweater and denim jeans. It was restricting, but he didn't care, he didn't want to care. Jacob decided to walk instead of ride, not like he could move his legs properly anyway. He really needed to get new pants.

The breeze outside chilled him to the core, a cloud of vapor leaving his mouth as he took deep breaths. He trudged along the sidewalk, dodging puddles that formed from the previous night. He was lucky that it was a short distance between his house and the family business; just a block or two. Jacob observed the people wandering down the street, it was surprising to see the amount of people up bright and early like he was.

His stomach ached, he'd forgotten to eat. Damn. Jacob stopped at a quaint café and ordered a coffee and some snacks to take with him. The sights he saw along the way surprised him, he never noticed the park when he'd ride on his bike. Jacob smiled as he saw children running amuck in the playground, then he saw something oddly familiar.. The boy. He was squealing joyfully and playing games with the few other children who Jacob believed to be his friends.

The young boy stopped suddenly, as if sensing the presence of a new person. He turned around slowly, letting out a small gasp as he saw Jacob standing on the sidewalk across the park. His shock turned to excitement and he quickly dashed through the playground, hopping over puddles and weaving between the other children. Jacob recoiled slightly as the boy sped toward him.

The boy stopped just short of Jacob and doubled over, panting and wheezing. Eventually he caught his breath and looked up at Jacob, smiling.

"Hello again!" He exclaimed, straightening his posture.

"Hey kiddo, what are you doing out so early?" Jacob inquired.

"Oh! Papa needed to get some fresh air, so he walked me to the park, he's sitting at the bench over there." He turned and pointed at a man sitting alone at a park bench, staring at them.

The boy waved at the man and he waved back, cautiously watching Jacob and the boy.

"I almost forgot! I got something for you!" 

The boy reached into his pocket, fishing out a small flower, before giving it to Jacob. It was very little and was missing a few petals. Jacob looked at it closer, it was something he had seen many times before in his garden and his shop. It was a Buttercup.

"Aw thanks kiddo!" Jacob gushed, taking the flower and weaving it into his flower crown. 

"Stop calling me that!" He huffed, "My name is Shiloh."

"Oh, sorry Shiloh, I'll remember next time."

Jacob eyed his watch. He was late for work. 

"SHOOT SORRY KIDDO I GOTTA RUN!" He blurted out before speeding down the road.

He heard Shiloh call out in protest, but he was already to far away to understand what was said. As he expected, there was a queue of people waiting outside the front door. Jacob rushed to unlock the door and get set up at his work station.

He sighed as the groups of people filed in, keeping his eye on the clock. Jacob went along with his day just like any other. Alone.

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