under the moonlights shine×

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under the moonlights shine
I promised to marry you when you
get better


under the moonlights shine
I thought we finally had our happy ever after



Under the moonlights shine my
love is gone


Under the moonlights shine backstory summary:

Seungkwan had cancer when he was 6
as he grew older he and his family thought he finally overcame it.

When he was 16 he met Mingyu the love of his life, they spent all their time together, studied together, graduated together, and became successful together.

At the age of 23 Seungkwan was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

And at the age of 25 Seungkwan died, leaning on his Lover's shoulder.


under the moonlights shine facts:

UTMS was originally intended to be kwanhao, but I thought Minghao wouldn't fit the part.

UTMS was made within an hour, explains it's shitty quality.

UTMS was supposed to be a whole story, but I have sm ongoing stories I can't keep up with.(but maybe I'll write this soon)

UTMS was supposed to be a tagalog story, but I'm not good @ speaking the language, and I thought about the other readers who cannot speak tagalog.

UTMS was supposed to be published in ao3 but I didn't cos my writing doesn't fit in there lmaosjans.


good day, bye👋☺️

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