The fourteenth chapter

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((Picture above)Alex...)


Garcello pov.

I am sitting on the chair by the dining table thinking about the boy I meet in the alley.

Why was he there? How long had he been there? What were those weird features? 

I stop thinking when I hear a slightly painful groan come from the hallway right by the door. It is Y/N standing by the door frame holding it tightly and having shut eyes with a painful expression.

"Y/N! What are you doing out of the couch?!" I ask slightly loud. He looks at me with a face of slight pain but I can tell he just wants to become stronger.

"Why do you think I'm out of the couch Gar? I still need to train my legs so I can continue to walk again." He tells me looking at me like I was stupid.

I realize my mistake and become embarrassed but also feel a bit flustered from the fact that Y/N gave me a nickname. 

"Sorry," I say and I accidentally stutter as well making it more embarrassing than it already was. I look to the side not wanting to show him that I was embarrassed. 

"It's alright Gar, you are just trying to protect me." He tells me with a smooth voice that makes me feel like I could melt right here.

He started to walk from the door frame towards the kitchen counter and put the container that I had given him before on there.

"Did you buy anything else other than already done food?" He asks me, not looking at me while talking. 

I can feel sweat falling from the top of my head. I laugh slightly but then I jolt remembering the pancakes I was gonna make today for breakfast.

"I actually have something in mind but... Could you go to the couch again and maybe watch some TV while I prepare the food?" I say and he only nods towards me and leaves the place he stood.

He walks out of the kitchen and I stand up to pick up the things I needed.


??? pov.

I was sitting on the roof edge watching the strange man through their window. 

I had never seen such an interesting dynamic before...

Honestly, I feel kinda jealous...



Well, it's not something I can change!

I just want to make sure that he is alright...

That also means watching over the other guy too...

It's clear that Garcello likes that one...


Garcello pov.

I already had the batter mix on the left of the stove as well as the pan in front of me with some butter. 

Just when I was about to place the mix in the pan I feel like someone is watching me...

I look out the window but I can't see anything...

"Hmm..." This is the only thing I say before turning my head to the big spoon with batter mix and put it in the pan.

I spin the pan around and put it on low heat for it to basically just cook in the heat instead of frying it as the recipe said. 

I am tempted to already flip the pancake and I feel a bit anxious... What if it sticks to the surface of the pan before I get to flip it?! 

Deciding that it might just collapse if I do so, I leave the pancake alone to become fully done. 

When it had gone a few minutes I started to take the pan off the stove and make a rolling motion with my arm making the pancake stop sticking from the pan. Flipping it and waiting for a while to do the next one.


??? pov.

I was watching Garcello in awe as he did those flat bread-like foods. 

My mouth was watering from the thought of those...

I jolt realizing what I was thinking.

He almost figured me out before but I was lucky that this roof had a sort of edge I could hide behind.

I don't know how he even figured out that I was here!


Y/N pov. 

I was sitting on the couch watching some (Series of choice here). It was very interesting to watch. 

My stomach was rumbling and as almost a response I could hear sounds from the kitchen coming towards me.

I look towards the sound and Garcello stood there with a tray of two plates with stacks of pancakes! 

"Garcello! Oh!" I say being really happy over what he has done for me!

"I'm not really good at cooking but I wanted to give you some real food this time. Not just some Mcdonald's happy meal." Gar said holding the tray with one hand like a champ and rubbing the back of his neck with the other.

I was really close to looking shocked at him for all that strength! He was holding a tray with three boxes of strawberries, blueberries, and mango pieces! As well as two large beverages with some clear liquid and a straw. 

He went around the couch and put the tray on the ground with both hands. He then sat down beside me and smiles my way.

"The drink is lemonade. I wasn't sure what you would like!" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He does that a lot...

"Thank you Garcello! I really appreciate the kindness!" I told him giving him a smile back as a thank you.

I reach for the drink that is closest to me and sip on the straw. It was so cold and sweet yet slightly sour. Just perfect!

I look at Gar again and smile wide and laugh.

"This is so good Gar!" I tell him. His response seems to be the same as last time I said the nickname...

Did he not like it? Is there anything wrong with it?

I didn't want to upset him so I just decided that I wouldn't ask...


??? pov.

They look so happy together... I wish I had that!

However, the other boy seemed to be uncomfortable...

All I need to do is protect this one guy.

Even though he will never notice that I still love him...


(Who is really '???' and does it really matter? Are they trying to protect Y/N, Garcello, or is it someone else they are trying to protect? Who could that be? Are they in danger?.... Sorry for being so weird there I just wanted to try a questioning ending thing! I had fun making this chapter just like always and thank you guys for giving me all those nice comments!)

-----(Until the next chapter!)-----

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