C H A P T E R: 1

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It was a beautiful Friday morning.Lisa wakes up to the
sound of the alarm. She hops onto her slippers and starts
her day with her morning routine. She gets some
exercise, freshens herself up and grabs her smoothy and
finishes it up while enjoying the day light and scrolling
through her phone in her balcony. While admiring the
view she spots a car being parked at her house and by
the time she recognised it there was a message from
Jennie . The message read," hey Lisa I'm here at your
place... Remember our todays plan?"
Lisa thought to herself
"oh now I remember we had planned to hangout together"
She quickly replied to her with a message and grabbed
her essentials and went down to see Jennie.

Lisa P.O.V
Hey Jennie I didn't realise that it was Friday and I am glad
you came here to pick me up or else our plan to hang out
together would have been a fail!
Jennie P.O.V
It's okay I am here to save the day ! Lol... let's go now to
have some breakfast and then we can go to the park to
click photos together.

After the breakfast and photoshoot they both went to the
mall for shopping followed by a Pottery workshop.
By the time they reached Lisa's home it was lunch time.

Lisa: "After a long time we get to hangout and I really
enjoyed a lot thanks to you!"

Jennie: "yeah me too but I am starving how about we cook
something for us?"

Lisa:"sure it would be great if we can cook together while
jamming to some music."

Jennie:" nice idea and let's get started."

Then they cooked together and had their lunch while
watching their favourite childhood movie which
brought back a lot of their childhood memories.They
had a good laugh talking about their old memories and
eventually they fell asleep.

At half past five Lisa's phone rang and she was still
sleepy when she picked up the phone just to hear nothing
from the unknown caller's side.

She said -
"Hello This is Lisa can I know whom I am speaking
After a minute pause the caller replied
"Hello Lisa this is Jungkook"

A u t h o r - Hey readers Hope you liked the first chapter do comment your views on it and please stay tuned for the next chapter untill then happy reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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