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PARING: Duncan/Courtney

RATING: 3/10 (pre-season two, 8/10)

Season one Duncney was great, just like season one Gwent. I enjoyed their interactions and thought their chemistry was very well written.

However, also just like Gwent, season two was an absolute mess. I hated the way Courtney was trying to change who Duncan was, instead of just accepting him, or at the very least meeting him in the middle. That's not to say I'm putting all the blame on Courtney. Duncan was also very much at fault, but I'm planning to cover that more in depth during the inevitable "Duncney vs Gwuncan" chapter.

I do understand why someone might find this dynamic interesting. With the right development, their relationship can work. The first season is a perfect example of that. Even then, though, you can still enjoy watching these two tear each other apart, because that also makes for an interesting dynamic.

All in all, I think I'd still prefer the platonic side of their relationship over the romantic, but I don't think I'd mind the romantic side as much either.

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