
121 4 0

PARING: Chris/Chef

RATING: 5/10 (platonically, 9/10)

I could see the romantic potential their relationship has and understand why a lot of people ship them together (hence the rating I gave), but honestly...? Not a huge fan.

*dramatic gasp in the background*

Okay, wait, let mE EXPLAIN

I've personally always seen Chris as too egotistical to really be in a relationship with anyone (plus I've got my own personal headcanon that he's aro/ace), but the main reason I'm not interested in the ship is because the fanbase kinda ruined it for me. Like, people are just "Chris is big gay, in love with Chef UwU, NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE HIM!!! 😡" Like, relax for a minute, would ya? Chris and Chef have not been confirmed as canon, as of yet, and I'm going to bring this up now, because this has always bothered me.

Chris doesn't have to be gay. He could very well be bisexual. We literally don't know, so the fact that people are taking his interactions with Chef and immediately throwing him in the gay category bothers me so much. Like, have you guys even paid attention to the way he interactions with Lindsay? (There'll be more on that later.)

I'm not saying you can't headcanon Chris as gay, or any other sexuality, because that would be stupid of me. You can give him as many headcanons as you want, just don't act like your headcanons are what's canon.

That being said, I do still really like Chef and Chris' interactions, but tend to view them through a more platonic lens, because, not only do we need more male friendships, but also, it holds more value to me, personally, than the possibility of them dating.

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