Eating Habits

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                                                                 chapter eight

Entry Number 13

I know I shouldn't be writing in this journal, this is supposed to be exclusively meant for my research. However, I wouldn't be writing in here now if I didn't believe it was absolutely necessary. Vanity has been...eating differently than normal. I walked in on her eating some of the expired fruits and some of the very dry bread in the kitchen the other day (I was going to complain to the chefs about how my meat was still very raw, will need to address that again later) The reason I'm writing in this journal, is because it might also have something to do with my research. Six's eating habits have also changed. Not really in the amount of food she eats or how alarming the food she's eating is, but the fact that she gets hungry a lot more than she used to. It shouldn't be the exposure to the TV's that we just discovered, because that TV was thrown into the ocean--hell we even got to see it descend further into the dark depths of the sea from our bedrooms. No...these actions started occuring when Six started wearing that raincoat more often, and when Vanity began to keep the mask on her at all times.

Something else I should note; Vanity asked me that weird question again. If I could 'bring Rodger back'. a way for it to be possible, especially with my current theory on what might be happening to Vanity and Six, but it's completely ridiculous and absurd to even consider the possibility of a--


It doesn't matter

There's no way something like that could ever be real...

I should get to bed

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Entry Number 14, 1:00 PM

It Is possible.

I recently discovered this strange mist that seems to follow Vanity around--specifically when she is wearing the mask. A co-worker and in a sense a close friend of mine in the city has recently picked up the hobby of recreating the human body.

In my opinion his current rate of success is...not good enough to recreate someone who just died. His creations seem to be very disproportionate and rigid, not to mention he has difficulty building heads, so almost all of his creations are headless, causing them to be very creepy and nightmare inducing. Adding on to that, none of his humanoid machines appear to be working, they can't physically function 'the way they used to' is how he put it. He works at the asylum in the city, mainly as a technician and not a real doctor, however he is a scientist, so to each their own I guess.

I discussed the topic over the phone, and he said that if we look into the strange black mist that follows Vanity around, we may be able to give these beings a life force of some kind.

It's risky...

And I don't like it at all...

But we're running out of options when it comes to staff members.

Might as well try it out right?

I put down my notebook and sigh, this was all happening so quickly. How was I supposed to process any of this? I turn my gaze to see Six and that little boy playing with my lighter--wait what?!?

I run over and grab the lighter from Six's hand, scolding the girl for stealing. She gave me a dumbfounded look, her raincoat wrinkling up as she turned her head sideways in confusion. She was wearing that raincoat a lot's starting to get concerning. Whenever I try to take it from her she runs to the other side of the room. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her. The little boy seems to be keeping her under control though, he's much more obedient and...what's the word...pacifistic? He seems to be much less cold towards certain situations than Six is. He is just as reserved, but they seem to be a perfect balance for each other.

Six stares at me, disappointed that I took away something that seemed to be entertaining the two of them, while the boy just giggles slightly. I smile, pull down Six's hood and ruffle her hair a bit, causing her to pout and shove my hands away, resulting in the boy laughing even more at her childish actions. She'll survive.

I would imagine moments like this are secretly very important to her. She wasn't really allowed to be a regular child back in the Nest. She never had any real guardians, and was so scared she decided to try and run away. They're both very brave for surviving such torture.

My thoughts were interrupted by a letter being slid under my door. Must be the Doctor writing back to tell me about his results. It took a lot of convincing, but Vanity allowed the Doctor to examine the mask we had found in the library. I tell the children to wait a moment and read the letter.

Entry Number 15

According to my associate, the black mist that follows vanity around is in fact a life force of some kind.(perhaps that's why she's so attached to it.) He says that if she learns to harness this life force and manipulate it to her own advantage, our achievements will be legendary. I don't like this...some kind of life force clinging onto an object sounds more like magic than true science, the kind of thing you'd see in a horror film or in a cult gathering. I think this is a terrible idea, janitors come and go, it's not like the job was exactly enjoyable in the first place. However I was outvoted, and we have decided to begin the project. I'm going to be the one to focus on essence...while my associate will be working on creating the machines.(The rough drafts he sent for our 'new rodger' are absolutely terrifying. It's gigantic, long, slim are long enough to reach the floor above me, while his legs are stubby compared to the rest of his body. Vanity and I are tall as it is, but this new Janitor is ginormous. I'm very concerned about this guy's mental health if he genuinely believes this is ok for a children's environment.)

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