Pale City

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                                                            chapter fourteen

It's been far too long since I had gone home. We decided that we would be staying in an old apartment building, where I used to work back when I was just doing checkups. There is a room for Vanity and I, but it's a two bedroom apartment so we don't know where we're going to put Six. I let out a sigh and turned to the said child. She was playing with a toy in the nursery, all on her own. Though I'd never admit this, I felt horrible that I had to take her away from the friends she had made here. Everyone had grown to love the girl. Before Rodger died, he used to help feed her. Despite the rude behavior the chefs have, both of them seem to care about her a great deal, and want her to be okay. Despite her struggles in the beginning, the children have grown to see her as a close friend, the boy especially. As for Vanity and I...I think it's pretty obvious that we've grown pretty attached to the child as well. Six is deeply cared about, and deep down I think all of us know she doesn't fully understand that. The poor girl...

Entry number 22, 9:06 AM

The boat to Pale City has arrived, I have gathered all of my supplies and belongings. My room felt so barren without everything in it.

Vanity is giving her sister very detailed instructions on what to do each day we are gone...she's been doing this for the past hour and a half. A little overprotective but I can understand her reasons.

Six is saying goodbye to her friends.

The boy hugs her

I can't shake the feeling that he doesn't think he's going to see her again.

He will

She'll be back

Everything will be fine


Six attempts to hug the boy back, but ends up crushing him

Had to pull her away

Will have to teach her how to give proper hugs later

Entry Number 23, 12:30 PM

Two more hours until we arrive at Pale City.

I'm nervous

I'm extremely cautious about the risks. We could get sick, Six could wander off, it's a big city and we would never be able to find her if she went off on her own.


This was the right decision

Things were only getting worse by staying there

And besides

Vanity is extremely overprotective

So Six won't go missing

She can't go missing


I have to keep an eye on her just in case

Entry Number 24, 10:45 PM

Six and Vanity are both asleep, we arrived safely at our destination and the walk to my apartment wasn't too bad. Six is staying in Veronica's old room, although she doesn't know it. I would imagine if she did, she might have a panic attack. Vanity and I will sleep in the same room, although we're borrowing mattresses from a friend of mine tomorrow. For now I'm going to sleep at my desk, I used to do it all the time back when things were normal, so it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

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