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The next time Vex came by, we were ready.

We'd gotten plenty of rest, and stayed as warm as we could.

The plan was as follows: I would shapeshift and try to squeeze through the narrow opening of the tray slot. Even if I couldn't fit all the way through, if I got stuck, I could shift back to regular size. It would be very uncomfortable, but with some luck, the door might splinter from my sudden mass. I'd try to maneuver myself so either my shoulders or my hips would be between the slot when I shifted back, so the widest part of my body would be the part to wedge the door apart. From there, I'd attack Vex. He had the keys hanging off his belt. Assuming I could defeat him without him calling for reinforcements, I'd take the keys, unlock Kataru's cell, and we'd be out of there, taking down as many blizzard samurai on the way out as we could.

Vex would be coming any minute now. For the last hour or so, I'd been nervously shapeshifting and turning back. It was as effortless as blinking, but I was still anxious. My heart beat fast with anticipation.

Finally, the familiar clunk, clunk of Vex's footsteps approached our cells. I had to remind myself to breathe as he drew ever closer. I pressed myself into the cold, frozen, shadowy walls.

Vex stopped outside Kataru's cell first, giving him the plate and offering the same chance to join the Ice Emperor. Kataru responded the same way, with silence, aside from the loud clang of the plate hitting the bars on his window.

Too late, I realized a better plan would probably have been for Kataru to pretend to cooperate, be let out of his cell, and then shift into his bear form and give Vex a good clobbering with his massive paws.

Oh well. I sucked in a breath. This plan will have to do.

I was close to the door, crouching in the shadows, when Vex moved on to my cell. His words about joining his army went in one ear and out the other as I prepared for-

The food slot flipped open, and before Vex even slid the plate in, I charged.

I changed my form. I was now a sleek falcon, with black and grey feathers, to match the black streaks on my face. My narrow, downy head easily fit through, and with the right angling, my wings slid through as well. Around where my human hips would have been was where I got stuck. Vex stumbled back in shock, the food spilling onto the ground.

But I couldn't care less about that.

I inhaled sharply, turning myself and shifting back into human form. The cold wood of the door pressed back against me, and my bones screamed from the pressure, but with a rough wriggle, the door shattered. The wood had been partially frozen, so the break was more like glass shattering than wood splintering.

My hips still ached. I may have cracked a bone, but I forced myself to my feet, snatching up a large part of the shattered wood and lunging for Vex. He was slow to draw his weapon, so I got in a good few hits before he yelled "GUARDS!"

I cursed mentally and made another lunge, looping my cold fingers through the even colder metal of the key ring on his belt. Luckily, Vex's sword also hung on his belt, so with my other hand, I drew it with a loud shink!

I sliced through Vex's belt, freeing the key ring. While Vex stumbled, I delivered a hard kick to his chest and swung the sword towards his neck. He leaned back to avoid being decapitated, and while he was off-balance I swept my leg out, tripping him, and he fell right onto his back. I allowed myself a triumphant smirk before I heard several sets of feet running in my direction. I left Vex there on the ground and hurried over to Kataru's cell.

His face peered out the barred window. "You got it?"

"Yep," I said, holding up the key to prove it. I stuck it into the lock on the door and twisted it upwards. Something clicked, and the door swung open.

Kataru stepped out and crushed me in a bear hug (pun intended). I grinned as he pulled away.

The footsteps got closer.

"Ready to blow this popsicle stand?" I asked.

"You betcha."

The Girl From the Never Realm (l.garmadon)Where stories live. Discover now