Hashirama, Madara Headcannons

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Special thanks to Madarabadass
For giving me those amazing Ideas and letting me use them !

If you don't ship them (however this is possible) and/or just want to know how they would deal with their partner you can replace Madara or Hashirama with your name

Madara teached Hashirama dancing !
Not the fighting dance but real dancing.
Also Tree-man sometime accidentally put his hands on his butt instead of his hips.

Madara never lets Hashirama brushing his hair ,but insist of brushing Hashis hair

Hashirama puts a lot of efford in flowers.
He knows the Hanakotoba (flower language) by heart !

Hashirama love to poke Madaras cheek, in order to annoy him

Madara would be the most loyal lover ever! Most fanfiction say that he is using male and female prostitutes ,but he has deep feelings !!!
(Same goes to Hashirama of course, but while Madara always makes sure that nobody even tries, Hashi is more socializing)

Tobirama stalks them for dating

In modern AU:

Hashirama hates horrorfilms, poor boy is always scares
(Which is why Madara always drags him into them)

Hashirama would be a botanica

Madara would be a dance instructor for all different types of dance
(Also loves Rock music and plays many types of guitars)

Hashi is the type of guy who spams minutes of voice messages on WhatsApp and funny gifs or stickers

While Mada leaves you 3h on read or gives the shortest answers. Mostly he replies with a witten "Hn"

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