Top 5 Matchmaker

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Top fifteen matchmaker and why I think they would be a good matchmaker ♥️
Have fun

1: Kisame
- man this sharky dude will notice you having a crush for someone, even before you notice yourself !

- he 'WILL' pick you up about it and gives you confidence at the same time

- harcore ships it

- organizes many many dates for you

- tells your crush how amazing you two suit each other

- also studies your crushes behavior

- if your crush is one of the Akatsuki he'll be glad, because that means he can properly stalk you (even if it's Pain!)


2: Hashirama
- once he finds out, you can be sure to have a relationship with your crush

- often invites you and your crush for something and 'somehow' has to leave
(He's actually hiding somewhere watching you and giggles)

- Oh and he will make jokes about it

- Bad jokes! But you will blush in very deep shades of red about them

- Oh ? You have a crush on Tobirama or Madara ? HE CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AS HE FINDS OUT!  He's like: "Oh Y/N I'm so glad my grumpy little brother/best friend won't be a single for life!!! You'll be the best wife/husband for them !!!" *Hugs you while laughing and crying at the same time*


3: Shisui
- comes up totally random with it
"Y/N, you have a crush on (crushes name) right? Do you need my help? "

- no matter what you answer, he is going to play matchmaker anyways

- at the same time he checks up on your crush. Are they really suited for you ???
What if they're going to treat you bad ???
He has to make sure that you are in good hands. Y/N:"SHISUI! For the last time !! You're not my dad !!!"

- once he made sure your crush is okay, he'll 100 % try his best to organize some dates and twosome time with you and your crush


4: Ino
- always asks you about your crushes anyways and notices if you're lying

- "Oh , if you wear this ,they could never resist you! "

- your personal fashion advisor, for every date.

- "I heard they like this and this and etc."
How does she even know about this???

- comments everywhere

- if they ever do something bad to you, your crush stands with a bucket of flower in front of your door apologizing and sweatdropping. (Ino forced them to)


- also finds out pretty random

- the only one who isn't making
jokes/funny comments about it, but he does says thinks like:
"Why can't you just go and tell them your feelings? Why making everything such a drag?"

- still has over 200 strategies to get you together

- he's a genius, what do you expect?

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