2~Concert Travels~2

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"Hurry up or we are going to be late!" Jenna shouted from my front door.

"I'm coming, calm down," I shouted back, perfecting my lip gloss. I grabbed my duffle back and jogged out the door.

It was the day before the concert, and the week seemed to go by so slow. I tossed my bag in the back seat of Jenna's silver Sudan and got in the front seat, sighing of relief.

It was going to take three hours to get to Scottsdale from Mesa, but Jenna insisted on driving. We decided to stay for a week as a little get together vacation.

"Are you excited?" Jenna asked shaking her shoulders, and starting her car. I bit my lip in thought.

"I'm not really sure. I guess, I'm scared," I said throwing my head back.

"Oh there's really no reason to be scared," she giggled. She had no clue how hard it was going to be to tell someone you barely remember that he is the father of a child that you didn't even know you conceived.

"There really is though. I mean, what am I supposed to say? 'Hey I have your child right here in my belly and I don't even remember how it got there. But I remember how madly in love I am with you.'" I mocked in a deep voice.

"Look, we have loads of time for you to think before we actually see them," she smiled, focusing on the road. I sighed.

"I guess," I whispered, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


"SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING THERE IN MY AMERICAN APPAREL UNDERWEAR," my eyes popped open, to the screeching singing/yelling of Jenna's voice.

"Jesus!" I yelled sitting up. She burst out in laughter.

"I had to wake you up some how. Look! We're here!" She shouted excitedly, pointing at a green roadside sign saying "Scottsdale, next exit". My eyes widened and I got a bubbling feeling in my stomach.

"Oh my god," my stomach lurched and slowly settled down.

After taking the exit, Jenna pulled into the parking lot of a nice Holliday Inn. She carefully picked her parking spot and dug through her purse.

"They should be in here some where," she mumbled, carefully looking through everything, "oh here they are," she pulled out a packet of papers.

"What are those?" I asked, reaching for them.

"Our hotel reservations. I told you everything was set up and paid for," she smirked.

"Do you need me to pay you back or anything?" I asked nervously. I hated the fact that she was going to pay for everything.

"No. Stop. Seriously, there is no need to worry about it," she opened the car door and bounced inside. I slowly followed after her.

When I made it inside, she already handed the papers to the lady and received the room key. She looked over at me and sighed.

"Why didn't you grab your bags?" She said turning back to the lady, signing papers. I walked back out the front door to get my luggage. I cursed as my duffle bag kept sliding off of my shoulder. I saw Jenna waiting at the doors holding them for me.

"Thanks Jen," I mumbled, grabbing the room key that she held out to me. I pressed the button to the elevator and patiently waited for the doors to open. When they did, a young couple stepped out of the elevator hand in hand, giggling at each other. I shivered and took their spot in the elevator.

We were on the third floor, room 252. I shuffled down the hall, examining the room numbers. I let out a sigh of relief after finally finding our room.

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