Cupquakes Near-Death Experience

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Adventures in the woods with Cupquake and Red

(Sorry if it is too long! I wanted to add a lot of detail. Cupquake and red do eventually come in. The begginning is just the setting.)         (⌒.−)

It was about 5:00 and I was going to head home for dinner. You could hear the birds chirping and the water in the creek rushing through the woods just like any other day. The clouds were fluffy and the trees were swaying in the wind. I had been sitting on a tree stump in the middle of the woods, not far from my house, coloring pictures of the scenery around me.

"Somebody help! I'm stuck!!!" Somebody shreiked.

I jumped and started running around frantically.

"I'm here. Who are you, where are you?!" I yelled as loud as I could.

There was no answer. Suddenly the peaceful noises stopped. All I could hear was my heart beating like a train pounding down on the tracks. I had Been in this situation before. It wasn't too long ago either.

"Where are you?!" I screamed again.

There was still no answer. All kinds of thoughts were going through my head at this point. What if this is a person I actually know? What if I never find this person? Is this person dangerous? What if I get stuck too? What if they aren't answering because it's....... Already too late? Am I even going to be strong enough to save them? Maybe this is just a prank. I had to calm myself down. I could barely breathe. The images of a voice yelling help before started to come back. All of them. It was my best friend Margo. She was a great kid and didn't deserve what had happened to her. She could have lived such a great life. I get this horrible feeling every time I think about it because I feel like it was my fault. She had been....

"Help me, please!" They yelled even louder.

For some reason I couldn't move my mouth. I couldn't move anything. I tried to yell back to them, but the words just wouldn't leave my mouth. I started to get light headed. My vision started to get blurry. I started to hear ringing in my ears. "Wake up. Wake up. This cannot be real." I said in my head over and over again. Suddenly, everything went blank. I was woken up by a voice. A kind of familiar voice.

"Are you okay?" They said.

I could barely see anything. The ringing had stopped. My vision was almost completely back when I realized that this mysterious person was actually Red.

"Are you okay? Red asked. "I saw you fall."

I couldn't really believe it. I thought it was all a dream right then and there. I thought I was just hallucinating.

"I... I'm okay."

"What are you doing way out here?" He questioned.

"I was drawing. I always come out here. It is the perfect place. There... There's a voice.. It keeps saying help." I stuttered.

"Are you sure?! I haven't heard anything and I have been out here for about ten minutes."

I thought a moment. I didn't know what to think. Red was standing there in front of me and I kept hearing help. It all seemed way too crazy.

"I'm sure." I said dumbfoundedly. "Apparently they are stuck. We have to find them. I can't have this happen again.

I could tell from Red's face that he thought I was crazy. He stared at the ground for a second, then back at me, and then behind him.

"What way did you year the voice come from?"

"I.... I.. Heard it come from the...."

"Heeeeellllpppp me pleaaaase!" The voice said a little quieter again.

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