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Naomi means "sweet, pleasant" which doesn't even begin to describe the woman Naomi is. You can find Naomi's story in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. The story begins during the time of Judges when there was a famine throughout the land of Israel. Instead of trusting in God to provide, Elimelech (Naomi's husband) moved his wife and two sons to Moab, a nation not following God. During their time in Moab, Elimelech died and his sons married two Moabite women named Orpah and Ruth. The two sons of Naomi died about 10 years later leaving Naomi, Orpah and Ruth alone. Naomi learned that God had blessed the land of Judah with good crops and decided to go back home. She knew that she had no way of providing for her daughters in law and told them that they should go back to their mother's house. Orpah chose to go back to her family and to her Gods. Ruth stayed with Naomi and they returned to Judah, the land of the Lord. 

Naomi followed her husband out of Judah and accepted what came her way after. The fact that Ruth chose to stay with Naomi instead of going back to her family and Gods says a lot. During the time that Ruth was married to Naomi's son, she saw Naomi at a close glance. Naomi had a great affect on the women around her. "When they came to Bethlehem the entire town was excited by their arrival. "Is it really Naomi?" the women asked." (1:9) Did you catch that? The entire town was excited. Naomi had captivated the women that she was around. There is always something different and wonderful about a woman who follows God and recognizes his work in her life. 

Although Naomi and Ruth had been through some rough times and were now widows, these women were women of God and  knew they would be okay. Ruth went straight to work in the fields. When she would come home she would tell Naomi about her day and listen to Naomi's advice. When Naomi found out how kind Boaz was to Ruth she decided that it was time that she found a permanent home for her were she would be provided for. She advised Ruth on the way in which to approach Boaz. Ruth followed everything she said to an exact degree. Proverbs 31:26 says "When she speaks, her words are wise and she gives instructions with kindness." Naomi was very wise when giving advice to Ruth and gives us a great example of someone that can be trusted in times of need. 

Despite the fact that Naomi's story is a short one, she can still show us characteristics of a woman of God. She was mentioned in the Bible by name. She shows wisdom and kindness. She was a submissive wife following the lead of her husband. She spoke kindly of Ruth and had a heart for God that was shown to others. We as women can be more like Naomi when we choose to live more disciplined lives. When we stay close to God it outpours onto others. We are also like Naomi when we give advice to others that is rooted in scripture and lead by the Holy Spirit. Ask God for discernment when speaking to others and for the will to stay close to him each and everyday. 

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