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I woke up the next day and do my usual morning routine and start getting dressed.

I put on some casual clothes, do my makeup, and head on my way to Downtown, where we would do autograph signing.

The whole car ride there I blasted my music.

When I got there, I parked way in the back and headed through the back entrance so I wouldn't be noticed by anyone.

I enter and go quickly to the changing rooms, where I'd change into my hero costume.

When I was done, I touched up my makeup and headed towards the front.

Before opening the doors to sit down at table for signing, I took a deep breath.

I calmed myself down and opened the doors with a big smile.

The early cameras flashed, fans cheered and yelled, and two other eyes were on me. Deku and Bakugou.

I look at the two boys, smile and wave and sit in my seat. Of course it had to be in the middle of the two.

"Deku! How are you? I haven't seen you in what feels like ages!" I say turning to him.

He smiles and says, "I've been doing good Y/n. What about you?"

"I've been doing, uh, good. Yea, good." I say smiling.

I face forward and through my smile I say to the two boys, "Why are people here early?"

"They're crazy ass fans." Bakugou says.

I just nod and smile.

***Time Skip***
The event was over and I walked back to the changing rooms.

I somewhat hated events like these. Three long, boring hours of doing the same thing. Smiling, signing, and giving words of encouragement.

I changed into my casual clothes and walked back out to the car.

"Y/n!" I hear.

I turn around, "Oh, hey Deku!"

"Hey. I just wanted to say bye before you leave. It's been awhile."

"Mhm. It sure has." I say and he wraps his arms around me.

"Bye Y/n." He says and let's go.

"Maybe we should grab coffee some time." he says before he finally walks away.

"Yea sure" I say.

Deku has never been this clingy. Ever.

"Bye Midoriya."

I walk back to my car and get inside. Before I can pull out and leave, someones shadow is at my window.

I roll the window down and see a spikey haired blond in front of me.

His hand holding the top of the car roof, as if he was stopping me from leaving.



He still uses my first name.

"Listen, um, you made it very clear what you wanted and didn't want. I respected that, and moved on."

"Don't lie to yourself Y/n. You never moved on." said Azar.

"Shut it." I say.

"If you don't have any questions for me that are work related, we don't have anything to talk about." I say.

"Actually. We do have something to talk about." he says.

"Don't waste my time Bakugou." I say.

"Where do you have to be that your in a hurry?" he asks.

Two Hotheads (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now