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"What do we do with her? Her quirk is dangerous, at this rate she'll become a villain. A villain is no daughter of mine." I hear my father say angrily in the next room.

"We can't just abandon her. She's our daughter." I hear my mom say defensively.

"I will not raise a villain." Dad says and walks out of the house slamming the door.


"Never leave my side Y/N! We'll be the best heroes the world's ever seen. Hey! But don't think you're gonna be better than me!" Five year old Katsuki says.

"I'll never leave your side Katsu!" Five year old me says giving him a high five.


I jolt awake from the memories. It's been years since I've seen Katsuki. I miss him.

I'll never forgive my parents. Not because they abandoned me, but because they took me away from Katsuki. He was my best friend. He was my family.

My parents are pathetic. Backing out of parenting because they're afraid of their own daughter's quirk. Tch.

"Y/N! You little hothead, get down here!" Hawks says from his office.

I was left with Hawks and his family when I was 5. When he became a hero, he practically raised and took me in. We've lived in his hero agency ever since. He has his own floor and I have mine.

"Coming! Asshole, it's early." I say muttering the last part. I put my slippers on and run down to his office.

"Before you say it's too early for you or whatever," He says mimicking me.

"Hey! You wanna be a burnt chicken!" I say raising my hand that erupted with flames.

"You know how many times you've said that to me? I'm starting to think you'll never do it." He says.

"Don't underestimate me Bird Brain!" I say.

"Now I'm starting to think it's too early. Calm down kid. I just wanted to tell you that we're gonna go meet a couple heroes today. As you know, you got in to U.A. on recommendations. So, we're gonna meet your teacher and some other lame people." He says.

"Ok. When are we leaving?" I say trying to hide my happiness.

"In an hour. Get dressed you gremlin." he says and chuckles a bit.

My hand ignites in fire as a threat.

I walk back to my floor slowly. I brush my teeth, wash my face, all the stuff I do in the mornings. I run a bath and hop in.

I take off my clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I look at all my scars on my arms. Stupid quirk.

I hop in the bath and my thoughts start drifting.

"Boo!" Katsuki says jumping out from behind a tree. My body ignites in flames and he looks at me in horror.

"W-whats wrong with you idiot?" he says backing up.

"I don't know! You were the one who scared me. Wait- is this my quirk?!" I say looking down at my body in flames.

As I calmed down, so did the flames. Slowly they started going down.

"Ay! You ready yet baby bird?" Hawks says knocking on the door.

"I told you not to call me that Bird Shit!" I say and jumping out of the bath and grabbing my towel.

Two Hotheads (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now