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'Trust opens up new and unimagined possibilities.'


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chapter one
the first task

8 August 1995
Hogsmeade Village


Lies are deadly. They are like the poison which is fed to you without your knowledge. It slowly seeps into you, spreading into your body viciously. And it entraps you before you even sense its presence. And the moment you do, it brings an end to everything.

Children have always been taught since childhood that lies are bad and lying is a bad habit. It breaks up families, relations, and even people.

Albus Dumbledore had been taught the same as a child. Yet, he had picked up this habit, but had believed to always do it for the greater good.

His mind formulated yet another lie to soon feed to the world as his eyes skimmed the contents of the letter held between his worn out fingers and his feet tapped the floor of the empty Three Broomsticks, shuffling in his place on the barstool.

"One butterbeer, if you will please, Rosmerta." he called out, raising his eyes for a moment to look at the woman in question before he casted them back to that sheet of paper which urged him to take yet another crucial step in this adverse situation of the nearing wizarding war.

He could clearly see Kingsley Shacklebolt's signature at the bottom of the letter, it was no doubt real, there was no magical spell binding it.

"Here you go." Rosmerta said, snapping him out his letter-gazing as she handed him the glass of warm butterbeer.

However, before he could take even a sip of it, she posed a question that made him pause.

"Is it true what they say these days? That he ━You-Know-Who has returned?"

"I am afraid, it really is." he sighed.

As much devastating Voldemort's return has been, it is still relieving to know that people, albeit a very few, are slowly coming to agree with this fact.

"So what are you going to ━" she began to pose the ultimate question but cut herself short as a loud smash echoed through the pub, alerting both of them as they drew out their wands on instinct, standing up, tensed by the sudden intrusion.

Both of their eyes shifted to the cause of the intrusion. A stone wrapped in a paper had been chucked into the window, smashing it and splintering glass everywhere.

LIES ➱ Sirius Black (Golden Trio Era)Where stories live. Discover now